
class lsst.jointcal.JointcalTask(butler=None, profile_jointcal=False, **kwargs)

Bases: lsst.pipe.base.CmdLineTask

Jointly astrometrically and photometrically calibrate a group of images.

Methods Summary

run(dataRefs[, profile_jointcal]) Jointly calibrate the astrometry and photometry across a set of images.

Methods Documentation

run(dataRefs, profile_jointcal=False)

Jointly calibrate the astrometry and photometry across a set of images.

dataRefs : list of lsst.daf.persistence.ButlerDataRef

List of data references to the exposures to be fit.

profile_jointcal : bool

Profile the individual steps of jointcal.


struct containing: * dataRefs: the provided data references that were fit (with updated WCSs) * oldWcsList: the original WCS from each dataRef * metrics: dictionary of internally-computed metrics for testing/validation.