
class lsst.daf.butler.Registry(registryConfig, schemaConfig=None, create=False)

Bases: object

Registry interface.

registryConfig : RegistryConfig

Registry configuration.

schemaConfig : SchemaConfig, optional

Schema configuration.

Attributes Summary

defaultConfigFile Path to configuration defaults.
pixelization Object that interprets SkyPix DataUnit values (sphgeom.Pixelization).

Methods Summary

addDataUnitEntry(dataUnitName, values) Add a new DataUnit entry.
addDataset(datasetType, dataId, run[, producer]) Adds a Dataset entry to the Registry
addExecution(execution) Add a new Execution to the Registry.
addQuantum(quantum) Add a new Quantum to the Registry.
addRun(run) Add a new Run to the Registry.
addStorageInfo(ref, storageInfo) Add storage information for a given dataset.
associate(collection, refs) Add existing Datasets to a collection, possibly creating the collection in the process.
attachComponent(name, parent, component) Attach a component to a dataset.
disassociate(collection, refs[, remove]) Remove existing Datasets from a collection.
ensureRun(run) Conditionally add a new Run to the Registry.
export(expr) Export contents of the Registry, limited to those reachable from the Datasets identified by the expression expr, into a TableSet format such that it can be imported into a different database.
find(collection, datasetType, dataId) Lookup a dataset.
findDataUnitEntry(dataUnitName, value) Return a DataUnit entry corresponding to a value.
fromConfig(registryConfig[, schemaConfig, …]) Create Registry subclass instance from config.
getDataset(id) Retrieve a Dataset entry.
getDatasetType(name) Get the DatasetType.
getExecution(id) Retrieve an Execution.
getQuantum(id) Retrieve an Quantum.
getRegion(dataId) Get region associated with a dataId.
getRun([id, collection]) Get a Run corresponding to its collection or id
getStorageInfo(ref, datastoreName) Retrieve storage information for a given dataset.
import_(tables, collection) Import (previously exported) contents into the (possibly empty) Registry.
makeDatabaseDict(table, types, key, value) Construct a DatabaseDict backed by a table in the same database as this Registry.
makeProvenanceGraph(expr[, types]) Make a QuantumGraph that contains the full provenance of all Datasets matching an expression.
makeRun(collection) Create a new Run in the Registry and return it.
markInputUsed(quantum, ref) Record the given DatasetRef as an actual (not just predicted) input of the given Quantum.
merge(outputCollection, inputCollections) Create a new collection from a series of existing ones.
registerDatasetType(datasetType) Add a new DatasetType to the Registry.
removeStorageInfo(datastoreName, ref) Remove storage information associated with this dataset.
selectDataUnits(collections, expr, …) Evaluate a filter expression and lists of DatasetTypes and return a set of data unit values.
setConfigRoot(root, config, full) Set any filesystem-dependent config options for this Registry to be appropriate for a new empty repository with the given root.
setDataUnitRegion(dataUnitNames, value, region) Set the region field for a DataUnit instance or a combination thereof and update associated spatial join tables.
subset(collection, expr, datasetTypes) Create a new collection by subsetting an existing one.
transaction() Optionally implemented in Registry subclasses to provide exception safety guarantees in case an exception is raised in the enclosed block.
transfer(src, expr, collection) Transfer contents from a source Registry, limited to those reachable from the Datasets identified by the expression expr, into this Registry and associate them with a collection.
updateStorageInfo(ref, datastoreName, …) Update storage information for a given dataset.

Attributes Documentation

defaultConfigFile = None

Path to configuration defaults. Relative to $DAF_BUTLER_DIR/config or absolute path. Can be None if no defaults specified.


Object that interprets SkyPix DataUnit values (sphgeom.Pixelization).

Methods Documentation

addDataUnitEntry(dataUnitName, values)

Add a new DataUnit entry.

dataUnitName : str
Name of the DataUnit (e.g. "Camera").
values : dict
Dictionary of columnName, columnValue pairs.

If values includes a “region” key, setDataUnitRegion will automatically be called to set it any associated spatial join tables. Region fields associated with a combination of DataUnits must be explicitly set separately.


If the given DataUnit does not have explicit entries in the registry.


If an entry with the primary-key defined in values is already present.

addDataset(datasetType, dataId, run, producer=None)

Adds a Dataset entry to the Registry

This always adds a new Dataset; to associate an existing Dataset with a new collection, use associate.

datasetType : str

Name of a DatasetType.

dataId : dict

A dict of DataUnit link name, value pairs that label the DatasetRef within a collection.

run : Run

The Run instance that produced the Dataset. Ignored if producer is passed ( is then used instead). A Run must be provided by one of the two arguments.

producer : Quantum

Unit of work that produced the Dataset. May be None to store no provenance information, but if present the Quantum must already have been added to the Registry.

ref : DatasetRef

A newly-created DatasetRef instance.


If a Dataset with the given DatasetRef already exists in the given collection.


If dataId contains unknown or invalid DataUnit entries.


Add a new Execution to the Registry.

If is None the Registry will update it to that of the newly inserted entry.

execution : Execution

Instance to add to the Registry. The given Execution must not already be present in the Registry.


If Execution is already present in the Registry.


Add a new Quantum to the Registry.

quantum : Quantum

Instance to add to the Registry. The given Quantum must not already be present in the Registry (or any other), therefore its:

  • run attribute must be set to an existing Run.
  • predictedInputs attribute must be fully populated with DatasetRefs, and its.
  • actualInputs and outputs will be ignored.

Add a new Run to the Registry.

run : Run

Instance to add to the Registry. The given Run must not already be present in the Registry (or any other). Therefore its id must be None and its collection must not be associated with any existing Run.


If a run already exists with this collection.

addStorageInfo(ref, storageInfo)

Add storage information for a given dataset.

Typically used by Datastore.

ref : DatasetRef

A reference to the dataset for which to add storage information.

storageInfo : StorageInfo

Storage information about the dataset.

associate(collection, refs)

Add existing Datasets to a collection, possibly creating the collection in the process.

collection : str

Indicates the collection the Datasets should be associated with.

refs : list of DatasetRef

A list of DatasetRef instances that already exist in this Registry.

attachComponent(name, parent, component)

Attach a component to a dataset.

name : str

Name of the component.

parent : DatasetRef

A reference to the parent dataset. Will be updated to reference the component.

component : DatasetRef

A reference to the component dataset.

disassociate(collection, refs, remove=True)

Remove existing Datasets from a collection.

collection and ref combinations that are not currently associated are silently ignored.

collection : str

The collection the Datasets should no longer be associated with.

refs : list of DatasetRef

A list of DatasetRef instances that already exist in this Registry.

remove : bool

If True, remove Datasets from the Registry if they are not associated with any collection (including via any composites).

removed : list of DatasetRef

If remove is True, the list of DatasetRefs that were removed.


Conditionally add a new Run to the Registry.

If the is None or a Run with this id doesn’t exist in the Registry yet, add it. Otherwise, ensure the provided run is identical to the one already in the registry.

run : Run

Instance to add to the Registry.


If run already exists, but is not identical.


Export contents of the Registry, limited to those reachable from the Datasets identified by the expression expr, into a TableSet format such that it can be imported into a different database.

expr : str

An expression (SQL query that evaluates to a list of Dataset primary keys) that selects the Datasets, or a `QuantumGraph that can be similarly interpreted.

ts : TableSet

Containing all rows, from all tables in the Registry that are reachable from the selected Datasets.

find(collection, datasetType, dataId)

Lookup a dataset.

This can be used to obtain a DatasetRef that permits the dataset to be read from a Datastore.

collection : str

Identifies the collection to search.

datasetType : DatasetType

The DatasetType.

dataId : dict

A dict of DataUnit link name, value pairs that label the DatasetRef within a collection.

ref : DatasetRef

A ref to the Dataset, or None if no matching Dataset was found.


If dataId is invalid.

findDataUnitEntry(dataUnitName, value)

Return a DataUnit entry corresponding to a value.

dataUnitName : str

Name of a DataUnit

value : dict

A dictionary of values that uniquely identify the DataUnit.

dataUnitEntry : dict

Dictionary with all DataUnit values, or None if no matching entry is found.

static fromConfig(registryConfig, schemaConfig=None, create=False)

Create Registry subclass instance from config.

Uses registry.cls from config to determine which subclass to instantiate.

registryConfig : ButlerConfig, RegistryConfig, Config or str

Registry configuration

schemaConfig : SchemaConfig, Config or str, optional.

Schema configuration. Can be read from supplied registryConfig if the relevant component is defined and schemaConfig is None.

create : bool

Assume empty Registry and create a new one.

registry : Registry (subclass)

A new Registry subclass instance.


Retrieve a Dataset entry.

id : int

The unique identifier for the Dataset.

ref : DatasetRef

A ref to the Dataset, or None if no matching Dataset was found.


Get the DatasetType.

name : str

Name of the type.

type : DatasetType

The DatasetType associated with the given name.


Requested named DatasetType could not be found in registry.


Retrieve an Execution.

id : int

The unique identifier for the Execution.


Retrieve an Quantum.

id : int

The unique identifier for the Quantum.


Get region associated with a dataId.

dataId : dict

A dict of DataUnit link name, value pairs that label the DatasetRef within a collection.

region : lsst.sphgeom.ConvexPolygon

The region associated with a dataId or None if not present.


If the set of dataunits for the dataId does not correspond to a unique spatial lookup.

getRun(id=None, collection=None)

Get a Run corresponding to its collection or id

id : int, optional

Lookup by run id, or:

collection : str

If given, lookup by collection name instead.

run : Run

The Run instance.


Must supply one of collection or id.

getStorageInfo(ref, datastoreName)

Retrieve storage information for a given dataset.

Typically used by Datastore.

ref : DatasetRef

A reference to the dataset for which to add storage information.

datastoreName : str

What datastore association to update.

info : StorageInfo

Storage information about the dataset.


The requested Dataset does not exist.

import_(tables, collection)

Import (previously exported) contents into the (possibly empty) Registry.

ts : TableSet

Contains the previously exported content.

collection : str

An additional collection assigned to the newly imported Datasets.

makeDatabaseDict(table, types, key, value)

Construct a DatabaseDict backed by a table in the same database as this Registry.

table : table

Name of the table that backs the returned DatabaseDict. If this table already exists, its schema must include at least everything in types.

types : dict

A dictionary mapping str field names to type objects, containing all fields to be held in the database.

key : str

The name of the field to be used as the dictionary key. Must not be present in value._fields.

value : type

The type used for the dictionary’s values, typically a namedtuple. Must have a _fields class attribute that is a tuple of field names (i.e. as defined by namedtuple); these field names must also appear in the types arg, and a _make attribute to construct it from a sequence of values (again, as defined by namedtuple).

makeProvenanceGraph(expr, types=None)

Make a QuantumGraph that contains the full provenance of all Datasets matching an expression.

expr : str

An expression (SQL query that evaluates to a list of Dataset primary keys) that selects the Datasets.

graph : QuantumGraph

Instance (with units set to None).


Create a new Run in the Registry and return it.

If a run with this collection already exists, return that instead.

collection : str

The collection used to identify all inputs and outputs of the Run.

run : Run

A new Run instance.

markInputUsed(quantum, ref)

Record the given DatasetRef as an actual (not just predicted) input of the given Quantum.

This updates both the Registry”s Quantum table and the Python Quantum.actualInputs attribute.

quantum : Quantum

Producer to update. Will be updated in this call.

ref : DatasetRef

To set as actually used input.


If quantum is not a predicted consumer for ref.

merge(outputCollection, inputCollections)

Create a new collection from a series of existing ones.

Entries earlier in the list will be used in preference to later entries when both contain Datasets with the same DatasetRef.

outputCollection : str

collection to use for the new collection.

inputCollections : list of str

A list of collections to combine.


Add a new DatasetType to the Registry.

It is not an error to register the same DatasetType twice.

datasetType : DatasetType

The DatasetType to be added.

inserted : bool

True if datasetType was inserted, False if an identical existing DatsetType was found.


DatasetType is not valid for this registry or is already registered but not identical.

removeStorageInfo(datastoreName, ref)

Remove storage information associated with this dataset.

Typically used by Datastore when a dataset is removed.

datastoreName : str

Name of this Datastore.

ref : DatasetRef

A reference to the dataset for which information is to be removed.

selectDataUnits(collections, expr, neededDatasetTypes, futureDatasetTypes)

Evaluate a filter expression and lists of DatasetTypes and return a set of data unit values.

Returned set consists of combinations of units participating in data transformation from neededDatasetTypes to futureDatasetTypes, restricted by existing data and filter expression.

collections : list of str

An ordered list of collections indicating the collections to search for Datasets.

expr : str

An expression that limits the DataUnits and (indirectly) the Datasets returned.

neededDatasetTypes : list of DatasetType

The list of DatasetTypes whose instances should be included in the graph and limit its extent.

futureDatasetTypes : list of DatasetType

The list of DatasetTypes whose instances may be added to the graph later, which requires that their DataUnit types must be present in the graph.

header : tuple of tuple

Length of tuple equals the number of columns in the returned result set. Each item is a tuple with two elements - DataUnit name (e.g. “Visit”) and unit value name (e.g. “visit”).

rows : sequence of tuple

Result set, this can be a single-pass iterator. Each tuple contains unit values corresponding to units in a header.

classmethod setConfigRoot(root, config, full)

Set any filesystem-dependent config options for this Registry to be appropriate for a new empty repository with the given root.

root : str

Filesystem path to the root of the data repository.

config : Config

A Config to update. Only the subset understood by this component will be updated. Will not expand defaults.

full : Config

A complete config with all defaults expanded that can be converted to a RegistryConfig. Read-only and will not be modified by this method. Repository-specific options that should not be obtained from defaults when Butler instances are constructed should be copied from full to Config.

setDataUnitRegion(dataUnitNames, value, region, update=True)

Set the region field for a DataUnit instance or a combination thereof and update associated spatial join tables.

dataUnitNames : sequence

A sequence of DataUnit names whose instances are jointly associated with a region on the sky.

value : dict

A dictionary of values that uniquely identify the DataUnits.

region : sphgeom.ConvexPolygon

Region on the sky.

update : bool

If True, existing region information for these DataUnits is being replaced. This is usually required because DataUnit entries are assumed to be pre-inserted prior to calling this function.

subset(collection, expr, datasetTypes)

Create a new collection by subsetting an existing one.

collection : str

Indicates the input collection to subset.

expr : str

An expression that limits the DataUnits and (indirectly) Datasets in the subset.

datasetTypes : list of DatasetType

The list of DatasetTypes whose instances should be included in the subset.

collection : str

The newly created collection.


Optionally implemented in Registry subclasses to provide exception safety guarantees in case an exception is raised in the enclosed block.

This context manager may be nested (e.g. any implementation by a Registry subclass must nest properly).


The level of exception safety is not guaranteed by this API. It may implement stong exception safety and roll back any changes leaving the state unchanged, or it may do nothing leaving the underlying Registry corrupted. Depending on the implementation in the subclass.


Investigate if we may want to provide a TransactionalRegistry subclass that guarantees a particular level of exception safety.

transfer(src, expr, collection)

Transfer contents from a source Registry, limited to those reachable from the Datasets identified by the expression expr, into this Registry and associate them with a collection.

src : Registry

The source Registry.

expr : str

An expression that limits the DataUnits and (indirectly) the Datasets transferred.

collection : str

An additional collection assigned to the newly imported Datasets.

updateStorageInfo(ref, datastoreName, storageInfo)

Update storage information for a given dataset.

Typically used by Datastore.

ref : DatasetRef

A reference to the dataset for which to add storage information.

datastoreName : str

What datastore association to update.

storageInfo : StorageInfo

Storage information about the dataset.