
class lsst.ip.diffim.DipoleFitPluginConfig

Bases: lsst.meas.base.sfm.SingleFramePluginConfig

!Configuration for DipoleFitPlugin

Attributes Summary

doMeasure whether to run this plugin in single-object mode (bool, default True)
fitAllDiaSources Attempte dipole fit of all diaSources (otherwise just the ones consisting of overlapping positive and negative footprints) (float, default False)
fitBackground Set whether and how to fit for linear gradient in pre-sub.
fitSeparateNegParams Include parameters to fit for negative values (flux, gradient) separately from pos.
maxChi2DoF Maximum Chi2/DoF significance of fit to be considered a dipole.
maxFluxRatio Maximum flux ratio in either lobe to be considered a dipole (float, default 0.65)
maxSeparation Assume dipole is not separated by more than maxSeparation * psfSigma (float, default 5.0)
minSn Minimum quadrature sum of positive+negative lobe S/N to be considered a dipole (float, default 7.0710678118654755)
relWeight Relative weighting of pre-subtraction images (higher -> greater influence of pre-sub.
tolerance Fit tolerance (float, default 1e-07)

Attributes Documentation


whether to run this plugin in single-object mode (bool, default True)


Attempte dipole fit of all diaSources (otherwise just the ones consisting of overlapping positive and negative footprints) (float, default False)


Set whether and how to fit for linear gradient in pre-sub. images. Possible values: 0: do not fit background at all 1 (default): pre-fit the background using linear least squares and then do not fit it as part

of the dipole fitting optimization
2: pre-fit the background using linear least squares (as in 1), and use the parameter
estimates from that fit as starting parameters for an integrated “re-fit” of the background

(int, default 1)


Include parameters to fit for negative values (flux, gradient) separately from pos. (bool, default False)


Maximum Chi2/DoF significance of fit to be considered a dipole. Default value means “Choose a chi2DoF corresponding to a significance level of at most 0.05” (note this is actually a significance, not a chi2 value). (float, default 0.05)


Maximum flux ratio in either lobe to be considered a dipole (float, default 0.65)


Assume dipole is not separated by more than maxSeparation * psfSigma (float, default 5.0)


Minimum quadrature sum of positive+negative lobe S/N to be considered a dipole (float, default 7.0710678118654755)


Relative weighting of pre-subtraction images (higher -> greater influence of pre-sub. images on fit) (float, default 0.5)


Fit tolerance (float, default 1e-07)