
class lsst.ip.diffim.GetCoaddAsTemplateTask(config=None, name=None, parentTask=None, log=None)

Bases: lsst.pipe.base.Task

Subtask to retrieve coadd for use as an image difference template.

This is the default getTemplate Task to be run as a subtask by pipe.tasks.ImageDifferenceTask. The main method is run(). It assumes that coadds reside in the repository given by sensorRef.

Methods Summary

getCoaddDatasetName() Return coadd name for given task config
run(exposure, sensorRef[, templateIdList]) !Retrieve and mosaic a template coadd exposure that overlaps the exposure

Methods Documentation


Return coadd name for given task config

CoaddDatasetName : string
TODO: This nearly duplicates a method in CoaddBaseTask (DM-11985)
run(exposure, sensorRef, templateIdList=None)

!Retrieve and mosaic a template coadd exposure that overlaps the exposure

@param[in] exposure – an exposure for which to generate an overlapping template @param[in] sensorRef – a Butler data reference that can be used to obtain coadd data @param[in] templateIdList – list of data ids (unused)

@return a pipeBase.Struct
  • exposure: a template coadd exposure assembled out of patches
  • sources: None for this subtask