
class lsst.ip.diffim.ZogyConfig

Bases: lsst.pex.config.config.Config

Configuration parameters for the ZogyTask

Attributes Summary

doFilterPsfs Filter PSFs for image-space ZOGY.
doTrimKernels Trim kernels for image-space ZOGY.
ignoreMaskPlanes Mask planes to ignore for statistics (List, default ('INTRP', 'EDGE', 'DETECTED', 'SAT', 'CR', 'BAD', 'NO_DATA', 'DETECTED_NEGATIVE'))
inImageSpace Perform all convolutions in real (image) space rather than Fourier space.
padSize Number of pixels to pad PSFs to avoid artifacts (when inImageSpace is True) (int, default 7)
scienceFluxScaling Science flux scaling factor (Fn in ZOGY paper) (float, default 1.0)
templateFluxScaling Template flux scaling factor (Fr in ZOGY paper) (float, default 1.0)

Attributes Documentation


Filter PSFs for image-space ZOGY. Aids in reducing artifacts. Subject of future research. (bool, default True)


Trim kernels for image-space ZOGY. Speeds up convolutions and shrinks artifacts. Subject of future research. (bool, default False)


Mask planes to ignore for statistics (List, default ('INTRP', 'EDGE', 'DETECTED', 'SAT', 'CR', 'BAD', 'NO_DATA', 'DETECTED_NEGATIVE'))


Perform all convolutions in real (image) space rather than Fourier space. Currently if True, this results in artifacts when using real (noisy) PSFs. (bool, default False)


Number of pixels to pad PSFs to avoid artifacts (when inImageSpace is True) (int, default 7)


Science flux scaling factor (Fn in ZOGY paper) (float, default 1.0)


Template flux scaling factor (Fr in ZOGY paper) (float, default 1.0)