
class lsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.AssembleCoaddConfig

Bases: lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase.CoaddBaseConfig

Configuration parameters for the AssembleCoaddTask.


The doMaskBrightObjects and brightObjectMaskName configuration options only set the bitplane config.brightObjectMaskName. To make this useful you must also configure the flags.pixel algorithm, for example by adding


to your and config overrides.

Attributes Summary

badMaskPlanes Mask planes that, if set, the associated pixel should not be included in the coaddTempExp.
brightObjectMaskName Name of mask bit used for bright objects (str, default 'BRIGHT_OBJECT')
calcErrorFromInputVariance Calculate coadd variance from input variance by stacking statistic.Passed to StatisticsControl.setCalcErrorFromInputVariance() (bool, default True)
clipIter Number of iterations of outlier rejection; ignored if non-clipping statistic selected.
coaddName Coadd name: typically one of deep or goodSeeing.
coaddPsf Configuration for CoaddPsf (CoaddPsfConfig, default <class 'lsst.meas.algorithms.coaddPsf.coaddPsfContinued.CoaddPsfConfig'>)
doApplyUberCal Apply meas_mosaic ubercal results to input calexps? (bool, default False)
doAttachTransmissionCurve Attach a piecewise TransmissionCurve for the coadd? (requires all input Exposures to have TransmissionCurves).
doInterp Interpolate over NaN pixels? Also extrapolate, if necessary, but the results are ugly.
doMaskBrightObjects Set mask and flag bits for bright objects? (bool, default False)
doNImage Create image of number of contributing exposures for each pixel (bool, default False)
doPsfMatch Match to modelPsf? Deprecated.
doSigmaClip Perform sigma clipped outlier rejection with MEANCLIP statistic? (DEPRECATED) (bool, default False)
doUsePsfMatchedPolygons Use ValidPolygons from shrunk Psf-Matched Calexps? Should be set to True by CompareWarp only.
doWrite Persist coadd? (bool, default True)
inputRecorder Subtask that helps fill CoaddInputs catalogs added to the final Exposure (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder.CoaddInputRecorderConfig'>)
interpImage Task to interpolate (and extrapolate) over NaN pixels (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.interpImage.InterpImageConfig'>)
maskPropagationThresholds Threshold (in fractional weight) of rejection at which we propagate a mask plane to the coadd; that is, we set the mask bit on the coadd if the fraction the rejected frames would have contributed exceeds this value.
matchingKernelSize Size in pixels of matching kernel.
modelPsf Model Psf factory (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.meas.algorithms.gaussianPsfFactory.GaussianPsfFactory'>)
removeMaskPlanes Mask planes to remove before coadding (List, default ['NOT_DEBLENDED'])
scaleZeroPoint Task to adjust the photometric zero point of the coadd temp exposures (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint.ScaleZeroPointConfig'>)
select Image selection subtask.
sigmaClip Sigma for outlier rejection; ignored if non-clipping statistic selected.
statistic Main stacking statistic for aggregating over the epochs.
subregionSize Width, height of stack subregion size; make small enough that a full stack of images will fit into memory at once.
warpType Warp name: one of ‘direct’ or ‘psfMatched’ (str, default 'direct')

Methods Summary

setDefaults() Derived config classes that must compute defaults rather than using the Field defaults should do so here.
validate() !Validate the Config; raise an exception if invalid

Attributes Documentation


Mask planes that, if set, the associated pixel should not be included in the coaddTempExp. (List, default ('NO_DATA',))


Name of mask bit used for bright objects (str, default 'BRIGHT_OBJECT')


Calculate coadd variance from input variance by stacking statistic.Passed to StatisticsControl.setCalcErrorFromInputVariance() (bool, default True)


Number of iterations of outlier rejection; ignored if non-clipping statistic selected. (int, default 2)


Coadd name: typically one of deep or goodSeeing. (str, default 'deep')


Configuration for CoaddPsf (CoaddPsfConfig, default <class 'lsst.meas.algorithms.coaddPsf.coaddPsfContinued.CoaddPsfConfig'>)


Apply meas_mosaic ubercal results to input calexps? (bool, default False)


Attach a piecewise TransmissionCurve for the coadd? (requires all input Exposures to have TransmissionCurves). (bool, default False)


Interpolate over NaN pixels? Also extrapolate, if necessary, but the results are ugly. (bool, default True)


Set mask and flag bits for bright objects? (bool, default False)


Create image of number of contributing exposures for each pixel (bool, default False)


Match to modelPsf? Deprecated. Sets makePsfMatched=True, makeDirect=False (bool, default False)


Perform sigma clipped outlier rejection with MEANCLIP statistic? (DEPRECATED) (bool, default False)


Use ValidPolygons from shrunk Psf-Matched Calexps? Should be set to True by CompareWarp only. (bool, default False)


Persist coadd? (bool, default True)


Subtask that helps fill CoaddInputs catalogs added to the final Exposure (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddInputRecorder.CoaddInputRecorderConfig'>)


Task to interpolate (and extrapolate) over NaN pixels (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.interpImage.InterpImageConfig'>)


Threshold (in fractional weight) of rejection at which we propagate a mask plane to the coadd; that is, we set the mask bit on the coadd if the fraction the rejected frames would have contributed exceeds this value. (Dict, default {'SAT': 0.1})


Size in pixels of matching kernel. Must be odd. (int, default 21)


Model Psf factory (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.meas.algorithms.gaussianPsfFactory.GaussianPsfFactory'>)


Mask planes to remove before coadding (List, default ['NOT_DEBLENDED'])


Task to adjust the photometric zero point of the coadd temp exposures (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.scaleZeroPoint.ScaleZeroPointConfig'>)


Image selection subtask. (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pex.config.config.Config'>)


Sigma for outlier rejection; ignored if non-clipping statistic selected. (float, default 3.0)


Main stacking statistic for aggregating over the epochs. (str, default 'MEANCLIP')


Width, height of stack subregion size; make small enough that a full stack of images will fit into memory at once. (List, default (2000, 2000))


Warp name: one of ‘direct’ or ‘psfMatched’ (str, default 'direct')

Methods Documentation


Derived config classes that must compute defaults rather than using the Field defaults should do so here. To correctly use inherited defaults, implementations of setDefaults() must call their base class’ setDefaults()


!Validate the Config; raise an exception if invalid

The base class implementation performs type checks on all fields by calling Field.validate().

Complex single-field validation can be defined by deriving new Field types. As syntactic sugar, some derived Field types are defined in this module which handle recursing into sub-configs (ConfigField, ConfigChoiceField)

Inter-field relationships should only be checked in derived Config classes after calling this method, and base validation is complete