
class lsst.ip.diffim.DetectionConfig

Bases: lsst.pex.config.config.Config

!Configuration for detecting sources on images for building a PSF-matching kernel

Configuration for turning detected lsst.afw.detection.FootPrints into an acceptable (unmasked, high signal-to-noise, not too large or not too small) list of lsst.ip.diffim.KernelSources that are used to build the Psf-matching kernel

Attributes Summary

badMaskPlanes Mask planes that lead to an invalid detection.
detOnTemplate If true run detection on the template (image to convolve); if false run detection on the science image (bool, default True)
detThreshold Value of footprint detection threshold (float, default 10.0)
detThresholdType Type of detection threshold (str, default 'pixel_stdev')
fpGrowKernelScaling If config.scaleByFwhm, grow the footprint based on the final kernelSize.
fpGrowPix Growing radius (in pixels) for each raw detection footprint.
fpNpixMax Maximum number of pixels in an acceptable Footprint; too big and the subsequent convolutions become unwieldy (int, default 500)
fpNpixMin Minimum number of pixels in an acceptable Footprint (int, default 5)
scaleByFwhm Scale fpGrowPix by input Fwhm? (bool, default True)

Attributes Documentation


Mask planes that lead to an invalid detection. Options: NO_DATA EDGE SAT BAD CR INTRP (List, default ('NO_DATA', 'EDGE', 'SAT'))


If true run detection on the template (image to convolve); if false run detection on the science image (bool, default True)


Value of footprint detection threshold (float, default 10.0)


Type of detection threshold (str, default 'pixel_stdev')

Allowed values:

Use counts as the detection threshold type
Use standard deviation of image plane
Use variance of image plane
Use stdev derived from variance plane
Field is optional

If config.scaleByFwhm, grow the footprint based on the final kernelSize. Each footprint will be 2*fpGrowKernelScaling*kernelSize x 2*fpGrowKernelScaling*kernelSize. With the value of 1.0, the remaining pixels in each KernelCandiate after convolution by the basis functions will be equal to the kernel size itself. (float, default 1.0)


Growing radius (in pixels) for each raw detection footprint. The smaller the faster; however the kernel sum does not converge if the stamp is too small; and the kernel is not constrained at all if the stamp is the size of the kernel. The grown stamp is 2 * fpGrowPix pixels larger in each dimension. This is overridden by fpGrowKernelScaling if scaleByFwhm (int, default 30)


Maximum number of pixels in an acceptable Footprint; too big and the subsequent convolutions become unwieldy (int, default 500)


Minimum number of pixels in an acceptable Footprint (int, default 5)


Scale fpGrowPix by input Fwhm? (bool, default True)