
class lsst.ip.diffim.GetCalexpAsTemplateTask(config=None, name=None, parentTask=None, log=None)

Bases: lsst.pipe.base.Task

Subtask to retrieve calexp of the same ccd number as the science image SensorRef for use as an image difference template.

To be run as a subtask by pipe.tasks.ImageDifferenceTask. Intended for use with simulations and surveys that repeatedly visit the same pointing. This code was originally part of Winter2013ImageDifferenceTask.

Methods Summary

run(exposure, sensorRef, templateIdList) !Return a calexp exposure with based on input sensorRef.

Methods Documentation

run(exposure, sensorRef, templateIdList)

!Return a calexp exposure with based on input sensorRef.

Construct a dataId based on the sensorRef.dataId combined with the specifications from the first dataId in templateIdList

@param[in] exposure – exposure (unused) @param[in] sensorRef – a Butler data reference @param[in] templateIdList – list of data ids, which should contain a single item.

If there are multiple items, only the first is used.
@return a pipeBase.Struct
  • exposure: a template calexp
  • sources: source catalog measured on the template