
class lsst.obs.cfht.MegacamMapper(**kwargs)

Bases: lsst.obs.base.CameraMapper

Camera Mapper for CFHT MegaCam.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

bypass_CoaddExposureId(datasetType, …)
bypass_CoaddExposureId_bits(datasetType, …)
bypass_ccdExposureId(datasetType, …) Hook to retrieve identifier for CCD
bypass_ccdExposureId_bits(datasetType, …) Hook to retrieve number of bits in identifier for CCD
bypass_deepCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, …)
bypass_deepCoaddId_bits(datasetType, …)
bypass_deepMergedCoaddId(datasetType, …)
bypass_deepMergedCoaddId_bits(datasetType, …)
bypass_defects(datasetType, pythonType, …) Return a defect based on the butler location returned by map_defects.
std_bias(image, dataId)
std_dark(image, dataId)
std_flat(image, dataId)
std_fringe(image, dataId)

Attributes Documentation

packageName = 'obs_cfht'

Methods Documentation

bypass_CoaddExposureId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_CoaddExposureId_bits(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_ccdExposureId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)

Hook to retrieve identifier for CCD

bypass_ccdExposureId_bits(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)

Hook to retrieve number of bits in identifier for CCD

bypass_deepCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_deepCoaddId_bits(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_deepMergedCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_deepMergedCoaddId_bits(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_defects(datasetType, pythonType, butlerLocation, dataId)

Return a defect based on the butler location returned by map_defects.

butlerLocation : lsst.daf.persistence.ButlerLocation

A ButlerLocation with locationList = path to defects FITS file.

dataId : dict

The usual data ID; “ccd” must be set.


The name “bypass_XXX” means the butler makes no attempt to convert the ButlerLocation into an object, which is what we want for now, since that conversion is a bit tricky.

std_bias(image, dataId)
std_dark(image, dataId)
std_flat(image, dataId)
std_fringe(image, dataId)