
class lsst.validate.drp.matchedVisitMetricsTask.MatchedVisitMetricsRunner(TaskClass, parsedCmd, doReturnResults=False)

Bases: lsst.pipe.base.TaskRunner

Subclass of TaskRunner for MatchedVisitMetrics

This class transforms the processed arguments generated by the ArgumentParser into the arguments expected by

Methods Summary

__call__(args) Run the Task on a single target.
getTargetList(parsedCmd, **kwargs) Get a list of (dataRef, kwargs) for TaskRunner.__call__.

Methods Documentation


Run the Task on a single target.


Arguments for Task.runDataRef()

struct : lsst.pipe.base.Struct

Contains these fields if doReturnResults is True:

  • dataRef: the provided data reference.
  • metadata: task metadata after execution of run.
  • result: result returned by task run, or None if the task fails.
  • exitStatus: 0 if the task completed successfully, 1 otherwise.

If doReturnResults is False the struct contains:

  • exitStatus: 0 if the task completed successfully, 1 otherwise.


This default implementation assumes that the args is a tuple containing a data reference and a dict of keyword arguments.


If you override this method and wish to return something when doReturnResults is False, then it must be picklable to support multiprocessing and it should be small enough that pickling and unpickling do not add excessive overhead.

static getTargetList(parsedCmd, **kwargs)

Get a list of (dataRef, kwargs) for TaskRunner.__call__.

parsedCmd : argparse.Namespace

The parsed command object returned by lsst.pipe.base.ArgumentParser.parse_args.


Any additional keyword arguments. In the default TaskRunner this is an empty dict, but having it simplifies overriding TaskRunner for tasks whose runDataRef method takes additional arguments (see case (1) below).


The default implementation of TaskRunner.getTargetList and TaskRunner.__call__ works for any command-line task whose runDataRef method takes exactly one argument: a data reference. Otherwise you must provide a variant of TaskRunner that overrides TaskRunner.getTargetList and possibly TaskRunner.__call__. There are two cases.

Case 1

If your command-line task has a runDataRef method that takes one data reference followed by additional arguments, then you need only override TaskRunner.getTargetList to return the additional arguments as an argument dict. To make this easier, your overridden version of getTargetList may call TaskRunner.getTargetList with the extra arguments as keyword arguments. For example, the following adds an argument dict containing a single key: “calExpList”, whose value is the list of data IDs for the calexp ID argument:

def getTargetList(parsedCmd):
    return TaskRunner.getTargetList(

It is equivalent to this slightly longer version:

def getTargetList(parsedCmd):
    argDict = dict(calExpList=parsedCmd.calexp.idList)
    return [(dataId, argDict) for dataId in]

Case 2

If your task does not meet condition (1) then you must override both TaskRunner.getTargetList and TaskRunner.__call__. You may do this however you see fit, so long as TaskRunner.getTargetList returns a list, each of whose elements is sent to TaskRunner.__call__, which runs your task.