
class lsst.ip.diffim.DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask(**kwargs)

Bases: lsst.meas.algorithms.sourceSelector.BaseSourceSelectorTask

!Select sources for Kernel candidates

@anchor DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask

@section ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Contents Contents

  • @ref ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Purpose
  • @ref ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Initialize
  • @ref ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_IO
  • @ref ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Config
  • @ref ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Debug

@section ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Purpose Description

A naive star selector based on second moments. Use with caution.

@section ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Initialize Task initialisation

@copydoc __init__

@section ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_IO Invoking the Task

Like all star selectors, the main method is run.

@section ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Config Configuration parameters

See @ref DiaCatalogSourceSelectorConfig

@section ip_diffim_diaCatalogSourceSelector_Debug Debug variables

DiaCatalogSourceSelectorTask has a debug dictionary with the following keys: <dl> <dt>display <dd>bool; if True display debug information <dt>displayExposure <dd>bool; if True display exposure <dt>pauseAtEnd <dd>bool; if True wait after displaying everything and wait for user input </dl>

For example, put something like: @code{.py}

import lsstDebug def DebugInfo(name):

di = lsstDebug.getInfo(name) # N.b. lsstDebug.Info(name) would call us recursively if name.endswith(“catalogStarSelector”):

di.display = True

return di

lsstDebug.Info = DebugInfo

@endcode into your debug.py file and run your task with the --debug flag.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

selectSources(sourceCat[, matches, exposure]) Return a selection of sources for Kernel candidates.

Attributes Documentation

usesMatches = True

Methods Documentation

selectSources(sourceCat, matches=None, exposure=None)

Return a selection of sources for Kernel candidates.