
class lsst.ip.diffim.ImageReducerConfig

Bases: lsst.pex.config.config.Config

Configuration parameters for the ImageReducer

Attributes Summary

badMaskPlanes Mask planes to set for invalid pixels (List, default ('INVALID_MAPREDUCE', 'BAD', 'NO_DATA'))
reduceOperation Operation to use for reducing subimages into new image.

Attributes Documentation


Mask planes to set for invalid pixels (List, default ('INVALID_MAPREDUCE', 'BAD', 'NO_DATA'))


Operation to use for reducing subimages into new image. (str, default 'average')

Allowed values:

simply return a list of values and don’t re-map results into
a new image (noop operation)
copy pixels directly from subimage into correct location in
new exposure (potentially non-deterministic for overlaps)
add pixels from overlaps (probably never wanted; used for testing)
into correct location in new exposure
same as copy, but also average pixels from overlapped regions
(NaNs ignored)
Instead of constructing an Exposure, take a list of returned
PSFs and use CoaddPsf to construct a single PSF that covers the entire input exposure
Field is optional