
class lsst.ap.verify.DatasetIngestConfig

Bases: lsst.pex.config.config.Config

Settings and defaults for DatasetIngestTask.

The correct targets for this task’s subtasks can be found in the documentation of the appropriate obs package.

Because DatasetIngestTask is not designed to be run from the command line, and its arguments are completely determined by the choice of dataset, this config includes settings that would normally be passed as command-line arguments to IngestTask.

Attributes Summary

calibBadFiles Names of calib files (no path; wildcards allowed) to not ingest, supersedes calibFiles.
calibFiles Names of calib files (no path; wildcards allowed) to ingest from the dataset.
calibIngester Task used to ingest flats, biases, darks, fringes, or sky.
calibValidity Calibration validity period (days).
dataBadFiles Names of raw science files (no path; wildcards allowed) to not ingest, supersedes dataFiles.
dataFiles Names of raw science files (no path; wildcards allowed) to ingest from the dataset.
dataIngester Task used to perform raw data ingestion.
defectIngester Task used to ingest defects.
defectTarball Name of tar.gz file containing defects.
defectValidity Defect validity period (days).
refcats Map from a refcat name to a tar.gz file containing the sharded catalog.

Attributes Documentation


Names of calib files (no path; wildcards allowed) to not ingest, supersedes calibFiles. (List, default [])


Names of calib files (no path; wildcards allowed) to ingest from the dataset. (List, default ['*.fits', '*.fz', '*.fits.gz'])


Task used to ingest flats, biases, darks, fringes, or sky. (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs.IngestCalibsConfig'>)


Calibration validity period (days). Assumed equal for all calib types. (int, default 9999)


Names of raw science files (no path; wildcards allowed) to not ingest, supersedes dataFiles. (List, default [])


Names of raw science files (no path; wildcards allowed) to ingest from the dataset. (List, default ['*.fits', '*.fz', '*.fits.gz'])


Task used to perform raw data ingestion. (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.ingest.IngestConfig'>)


Task used to ingest defects. (ConfigurableInstance, default <class 'lsst.pipe.tasks.ingestCalibs.IngestCalibsConfig'>)


Name of tar.gz file containing defects. May be empty. Defect files may be in any format and directory layout supported by the obs package. (str, default None)


Defect validity period (days). (int, default 9999)


Map from a refcat name to a tar.gz file containing the sharded catalog. May be empty. (Dict, default {})