
class lsst.ip.diffim.DipoleFitPluginConfig

Bases: lsst.meas.base.sfm.SingleFramePluginConfig

!Configuration for DipoleFitPlugin

Attributes Summary

doMeasure whether to run this plugin in single-object mode (bool, default True)
fitAllDiaSources Attempte dipole fit of all diaSources (otherwise just the ones consisting of overlapping positive and negative footprints) (float, default False)
fitBackground Set whether and how to fit for linear gradient in pre-sub.
fitSeparateNegParams Include parameters to fit for negative values (flux, gradient) separately from pos.
maxChi2DoF Maximum Chi2/DoF significance of fit to be considered a dipole.
maxFluxRatio Maximum flux ratio in either lobe to be considered a dipole (float, default 0.65)
maxSeparation Assume dipole is not separated by more than maxSeparation * psfSigma (float, default 5.0)
minSn Minimum quadrature sum of positive+negative lobe S/N to be considered a dipole (float, default 7.0710678118654755)
relWeight Relative weighting of pre-subtraction images (higher -> greater influence of pre-sub.
tolerance Fit tolerance (float, default 1e-07)

Methods Summary

compare(other[, shortcut, rtol, atol, output]) !Compare two Configs for equality; return True if equal
formatHistory(name, **kwargs) !Format the specified config field’s history to a more human-readable format
freeze() !Make this Config and all sub-configs read-only
items() !Return the list of (field name, field value) pairs
iteritems() !Iterate over (field name, field value) pairs
iterkeys() !Iterate over field names
itervalues() !Iterate over field values
keys() !Return the list of field names
load(filename[, root]) !Modify this config in place by executing the Python code in the named file.
loadFromStream(stream[, root, filename]) !Modify this config in place by executing the python code in the provided stream.
names() !Return all the keys in a config recursively
save(filename[, root]) !Save a python script to the named file, which, when loaded, reproduces this Config
saveToStream(outfile[, root]) !Save a python script to a stream, which, when loaded, reproduces this Config
setDefaults() Derived config classes that must compute defaults rather than using the Field defaults should do so here.
toDict() !Return a dict of field name: value
update(**kw) !Update values specified by the keyword arguments
validate() !Validate the Config; raise an exception if invalid
values() !Return the list of field values

Attributes Documentation


whether to run this plugin in single-object mode (bool, default True)

doMeasureN = False

Attempte dipole fit of all diaSources (otherwise just the ones consisting of overlapping positive and negative footprints) (float, default False)


Set whether and how to fit for linear gradient in pre-sub. images. Possible values: 0: do not fit background at all 1 (default): pre-fit the background using linear least squares and then do not fit it as part

of the dipole fitting optimization
2: pre-fit the background using linear least squares (as in 1), and use the parameter
estimates from that fit as starting parameters for an integrated “re-fit” of the background

(int, default 1)


Include parameters to fit for negative values (flux, gradient) separately from pos. (bool, default False)


Maximum Chi2/DoF significance of fit to be considered a dipole. Default value means “Choose a chi2DoF corresponding to a significance level of at most 0.05” (note this is actually a significance, not a chi2 value). (float, default 0.05)


Maximum flux ratio in either lobe to be considered a dipole (float, default 0.65)


Assume dipole is not separated by more than maxSeparation * psfSigma (float, default 5.0)


Minimum quadrature sum of positive+negative lobe S/N to be considered a dipole (float, default 7.0710678118654755)


Relative weighting of pre-subtraction images (higher -> greater influence of pre-sub. images on fit) (float, default 0.5)


Fit tolerance (float, default 1e-07)

Methods Documentation

compare(other, shortcut=True, rtol=1e-08, atol=1e-08, output=None)

!Compare two Configs for equality; return True if equal

If the Configs contain RegistryFields or ConfigChoiceFields, unselected Configs will not be compared.

@param[in] other Config object to compare with self. @param[in] shortcut If True, return as soon as an inequality is found. @param[in] rtol Relative tolerance for floating point comparisons. @param[in] atol Absolute tolerance for floating point comparisons. @param[in] output If not None, a callable that takes a string, used (possibly repeatedly)

to report inequalities.

Floating point comparisons are performed by numpy.allclose; refer to that for details.

formatHistory(name, **kwargs)

!Format the specified config field’s history to a more human-readable format

@param[in] name name of field whose history is wanted @param[in] kwargs keyword arguments for lsst.pex.config.history.format @return a string containing the formatted history


!Make this Config and all sub-configs read-only


!Return the list of (field name, field value) pairs


!Iterate over (field name, field value) pairs


!Iterate over field names


!Iterate over field values


!Return the list of field names

load(filename, root='config')

!Modify this config in place by executing the Python code in the named file.

@param[in] filename name of file containing config override code @param[in] root name of variable in file that refers to the config being overridden

For example: if the value of root is “config” and the file contains this text: “config.myField = 5” then this config’s field “myField” is set to 5.

@deprecated For purposes of backwards compatibility, older config files that use root=”root” instead of root=”config” will be loaded with a warning printed to sys.stderr. This feature will be removed at some point.

loadFromStream(stream, root='config', filename=None)

!Modify this config in place by executing the python code in the provided stream.

@param[in] stream open file object, string or compiled string containing config override code @param[in] root name of variable in stream that refers to the config being overridden @param[in] filename name of config override file, or None if unknown or contained

in the stream; used for error reporting

For example: if the value of root is “config” and the stream contains this text: “config.myField = 5” then this config’s field “myField” is set to 5.

@deprecated For purposes of backwards compatibility, older config files that use root=”root” instead of root=”config” will be loaded with a warning printed to sys.stderr. This feature will be removed at some point.


!Return all the keys in a config recursively

save(filename, root='config')

!Save a python script to the named file, which, when loaded, reproduces this Config

@param[in] filename name of file to which to write the config @param[in] root name to use for the root config variable; the same value must be used when loading

saveToStream(outfile, root='config')

!Save a python script to a stream, which, when loaded, reproduces this Config

@param outfile [inout] open file object to which to write the config. Accepts strings not bytes. @param root [in] name to use for the root config variable; the same value must be used when loading


Derived config classes that must compute defaults rather than using the Field defaults should do so here. To correctly use inherited defaults, implementations of setDefaults() must call their base class’ setDefaults()


!Return a dict of field name: value

Correct behavior is dependent on proper implementation of Field.toDict. If implementing a new Field type, you may need to implement your own toDict method.


!Update values specified by the keyword arguments

@warning The ‘__at’ and ‘__label’ keyword arguments are special internal keywords. They are used to strip out any internal steps from the history tracebacks of the config. Modifying these keywords allows users to lie about a Config’s history. Please do not do so!


!Validate the Config; raise an exception if invalid

The base class implementation performs type checks on all fields by calling Field.validate().

Complex single-field validation can be defined by deriving new Field types. As syntactic sugar, some derived Field types are defined in this module which handle recursing into sub-configs (ConfigField, ConfigChoiceField)

Inter-field relationships should only be checked in derived Config classes after calling this method, and base validation is complete


!Return the list of field values