
lsst.pipe.base.InputDatasetField(*, doc, dimensions, storageClass, name='', scalar=False, check=None, nameTemplate='')

Factory function to create Config class instances of InputDatasetConfig

This function servers as syntactic sugar for creating Configurable fields which are InputDatasetConfig. The naming of this function violates the normal convention of a lowercase first letter in the function name, as this function is intended to sit in the same place as ConfigField classes, and consistency in declaration syntax is important.

The input arguments for this class are a combination of the arguments for ConfigField and InputDatasetConfig. The arguments doc and check come from ConfigField, while name, dimensions, scalar, nameTemplate and storageClass come from InputDatasetConfig.

doc : str

Documentation string for the InputDatasetConfig

name : str

Name of the DatasetType in the returned InputDatasetConfig

dimensions : iterable of str

Iterable of Dimensions for this DatasetType

scalar : bool, optional

If set to True then only a single dataset is expected on input or produced on output. In that case list of objects/DataIds will be unpacked before calling task methods, returned data is expected to contain single objects as well.

nameTemplate : str, optional

Template for the name field which is specified as a python formattable string. The template is formatted during the configuration of a Config class with a user defined string. Defaults to empty string, in which case no formatting is done.

storageClass : str

Name of the StorageClass in the InputDatasetConfig

check : callable

A callable to be called with the field value that returns False if the value is invalid.

result : ConfigField

Instance of a ConfigField with InputDatasetConfig as a dtype