
lsst.meas.base.wrapAlgorithmControl(Base, Control, module=2, hasMeasureN=False)

Wrap a C++ algorithm’s control class into a Python config class.

Base : SingleFramePluginConfig or ForcedPluginConfig

Base class for the returned config.

Control : pybind11-wrapped version of a C++ class.

Control class to be wrapped.

module : module, str or int; optional

Either a module object, a string specifying the name of the module, or an integer specifying how far back in the stack to look for the module to use: 0 is lsst.pex.config.wrap, 1 is lsst.meas.base.wrappers, 2 is the immediate caller, etc. This will be used to set __module__ for the new config class, and the class will also be added to the module. The default is to use the callers’ module.

hasMeasureN : bool, optional

Whether the plugin supports fitting multiple objects at once (if so, a config option to enable/disable this will be added).

ConfigClass : lsst.pex.config.Config

A new subclass of lsst.pex.config.Config.


This function is generally only called by wrapAlgorithm; it is unlikely users will have to call it directly.