
lsst.afw.cameraGeom.utils.overlayCcdBoxes(ccd, untrimmedCcdBbox=None, nQuarter=0, isTrimmed=False, ccdOrigin=(0, 0), display=None, binSize=1)

Overlay bounding boxes on an image display.

ccd : lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Detector

Detector to iterate for the amp bounding boxes.

untrimmedCcdBbox : lsst.geom.Box2I or None

Bounding box of the un-trimmed Detector.

nQuarter : int

number of 90 degree rotations to apply to the bounding boxes (used for rotated chips).

isTrimmed : bool

Is the Detector image over which the boxes are layed trimmed?

ccdOrigin : tuple of float

Detector origin relative to the parent origin if in a larger pixel grid.

display : lsst.afw.display.Display

Image display to display on.

binSize : int

Bin the image by this factor in both dimensions.


The colours are: - Entire detector GREEN - All data for amp GREEN - HorizontalPrescan YELLOW - HorizontalOverscan RED - Data BLUE - VerticalOverscan MAGENTA - VerticalOverscan MAGENTA