####################################### Installation with lsstsw and lsst-build ####################################### This page guides you through installing the LSST Science Pipelines from source with lsstsw and lsst-build. These are the same tools LSST Data Management uses to build and test the Science Pipelines. Since lsstsw presents the Science Pipelines as a directory of Git repositories cloned from `github.com/lsst <https://github.com/lsst>`__, this installation method can be very convenient for developing Science Pipelines code. Other methods of installing LSST Science Pipelines software are :doc:`newinstall.sh <newinstall>` and :doc:`Docker <docker>`. If you have issues using lsstsw, here are two ways to get help: - Review the :ref:`known installation issues <installation-issues>`. - Ask a question on the `LSST Community support forum <https://community.lsst.org/c/support>`_. .. _lsstsw-prerequisites: 1. Prerequisites ================ The LSST Science Pipelines can generally be compiled on CentOS, Debian, and macOS platforms. See :ref:`prereq-platforms` for information about LSST's official reference platform and build reports with other platforms. Before you begin: - Install prerequisites for your platform: :doc:`CentOS / RedHat <prereqs/centos>`, :doc:`Debian / Ubuntu <prereqs/debian>`, or :doc:`macOS <prereqs/macos>`. - If you intend to use a Git LFS repository, like `ci_hsc`_ or `afwdata`_, :doc:`install and configure Git LFS <git-lfs>`. - If you opt not to use the default Python environment provided by ``lsstsw`` you will need to :ref:`install these Python dependencies <python-deps>`. .. _lsstsw-deploy: 2. Deploy lsstsw ================ Begin by choosing a working directory, then deploy ``lsstsw`` into it: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/lsst/lsstsw.git cd lsstsw ./bin/deploy source bin/setup.sh For more information about the :command:`deploy` command, see :ref:`lsstsw-about-deploy`. .. _lsstsw-rebuild: 3. Build the Science Pipelines packages ======================================= From the :file:`lsstsw` directory, run: .. code-block:: bash rebuild lsst_distrib Once the ``rebuild`` step finishes, note the build number printed on screen. It is formatted as "``bNNNN``." Tag this build as ``current`` so that EUPS can set it up by default: .. code-block:: bash eups tags --clone bNNNN current Finally, set up the packages with EUPS: .. code-block:: bash setup lsst_distrib See :doc:`setup` for more information. .. note:: You can do more with the :command:`build` command, including building from branches of GitHub repositories. For more information: - :ref:`lsstsw-about-rebuild`. - :ref:`lsstsw-branches`. - :ref:`lsstsw-rebuild-ref`. .. _lsstsw-testing-your-installation: 4. Testing Your installation (optional) ======================================= Once the LSST Science Pipelines are installed, you can verify that it works by :doc:`running a demo project <demo>`. This demo processes a small amount of SDSS data. .. _lsstsw-setup: Sourcing the Pipelines in a new shell ===================================== In every new shell session you will need to set up the Science Pipelines environment and EUPS package stack. Run these two steps: 1. Activate the lsstsw software environment by sourcing the :file:`setup.sh` script in lsstsw's :file:`bin` directory: .. code-block:: bash source bin/setup.sh If you are running in a :command:`csh` or :command:`tcsh`, run this set up script instead: .. code-block:: bash source bin/setup.csh 2. Set up a :doc:`top-level package <top-level-packages>`: .. code-block:: bash setup lsst_distrib Instead of ``lsst_distrib``, you can set up a different top-level package like ``lsst_apps`` or any individual EUPS package you previously installed. See :doc:`top-level-packages`. .. _lsstsw-next: Next steps and advanced topics ============================== - :ref:`lsstsw-about-deploy`. - :ref:`lsstsw-about-rebuild`. - :ref:`lsstsw-branches`. - :ref:`lsstsw-deploy-ref`. - :ref:`lsstsw-rebuild-ref`. .. _lsstsw-about-deploy: About the lsstsw deploy script ------------------------------ The ``deploy`` script automates several things to prepare an LSST development environment: 1. Installs Git. 2. Installs Git LFS (*you* are still responsible for :doc:`configuring it <git-lfs>`). 3. Installs a Miniconda_ Python 3 environment specific to this lsstsw workspace. 4. Installs EUPS_ into :file:`eups/current/`. 5. Clones `lsst-build`_, which runs the build process. 6. Clones versiondb_, a robot-managed Git repository of package dependency information. 7. Creates an empty stack *installation* directory, :file:`stack/`. This environment, including the EUPS, Miniconda, Git, and Git LFS software, is only activated when you source the :file:`bin/setup.sh` or :file:`bin/setup.csh` scripts in a shell. Otherwise, lsstsw does not affect the software installed on your computer. See also: :ref:`lsstsw-deploy-ref`. .. _lsstsw-about-rebuild: About the lsstsw rebuild command -------------------------------- The :command:`rebuild` command accomplishes the following: 1. Clones all Science Pipelines packages from `github.com/lsst <https://github.com/lsst>`__. The `repos.yaml`_ file in the https://github.com/lsst/repos repository maps package names to GitHub repositories. 2. Runs the Scons-based build process to compile C++, make Pybind11 bindings, and ultimately create the :lmod:`lsst` Python package. The stack is built and installed into the :file:`stack/` directory inside your :file:`lsstsw/` work directory. lsstsw clones repositories using HTTPS (`see repos.yaml <https://github.com/lsst/repos/blob/master/etc/repos.yaml>`_). Our guide to `Setting up a Git credential helper <http://developer.lsst.io/en/latest/tools/git_lfs.html>`_ will allow you to push new commits up to GitHub without repeatedly entering your GitHub credentials. See also: :ref:`lsstsw-rebuild-ref`. .. _lsstsw-branches: Building from branches ---------------------- lsstsw's :command:`rebuild` command enables you to clone and build development branches. To build ``lsst_distrb``, but use the Git branch ``my-feature`` when it's available in a package's repository: .. code-block:: bash rebuild -r my-feature lsst_distrib Multiple ticket branches across multiple products can be built in order of priority: .. code-block:: bash rebuild -r feature-1 -r feature-2 lsst_distrib In this example, a ``feature-1`` branch will be used in any package's Git repository. A ``feature-2`` branch will be used secondarily in repositories where ``feature-1`` doesn't exist. Finally, ``lsstsw`` falls back to using the ``master`` branch for repositories that lack both ``feature-1`` and ``feature-2``. .. _lsstsw-deploy-ref: lsstsw deploy command reference ------------------------------- .. program:: deploy .. code-block:: text usage: deploy.sh [-2|-3] [-b] [-h] .. option:: -2 Install a Python 2-based Miniconda_ (not supported for ``v16_0`` of the LSST Science Pipelines and later) .. option:: -3 Use a Python 3-based Miniconda_ (default). .. option:: -b Use bleeding-edge conda packages. .. option:: -h Print the help message. .. _lsstsw-rebuild-ref: lsstsw rebuild command reference -------------------------------- .. program:: rebuild .. code-block:: text rebuild [-p] [-n] [-u] [-r <ref> [-r <ref2> [...]]] [-t <eupstag>] [product1 [product2 [...]]] .. option:: -p Prep only. .. option:: -n Do not run :command:`git fetch` in already-downloaded repositories. .. option:: -u Update the :file:`repos.yaml` package index to the ``master`` branch on GitHub of https://github.com/lsst/repos. .. option:: -r <git ref> Rebuild using the Git ref. A Git ref can be a branch name, tag, or commit SHA. Multiple ``-r`` arguments can be given, in order or priority. .. option:: -t EUPS tag. .. _lsst-build: https://github.com/lsst/lsst_build .. _versiondb: https://github.com/lsst/versiondb .. _EUPS: https://github.com/RobertLuptonTheGood/eups .. _Miniconda: http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html .. _`repos.yaml`: https://github.com/lsst/repos/blob/master/etc/repos.yaml .. _`ci_hsc`: https://github.com/lsst/ci_hsc .. _`afwdata`: https://github.com/lsst/afwdata