
SquashMetadataTask modifies a Job object to contain metadata that is required for SQuaSH upload. It is both the default for the lsst.verify.gen2tasks.metricsControllerTask.MetricsControllerConfig.metadataAdder subtask and its reference implementation.

Processing summary

SquashMetadataTask currently adds the following metadata:

  • "instrument": the name of the instrument that took the data
  • the individual keys of the provided data ID (each Job produced by MetricsControllerTask is associated with one data ID, which may be partial)

Python API summary

from lsst.verify.gen2tasks.metadataTask import SquashMetadataTask
classSquashMetadataTask(config=None, name=None, parentTask=None, log=None)

A Task for adding SQuaSH-required metadata to a Job...


Access configuration fields and retargetable subtasks.

methodrun(job, *, dataref, **kwargs)

Add metadata to a Job object...

See also

See the SquashMetadataTask API reference for complete details.

Retargetable subtasks

No subtasks.

Configuration fields

No configuration fields.