AmbiguousDatasetError |
Exception raised when a DatasetRef has no ID and a Registry operation requires one. |
Butler ([config, butler, collection, run, …]) |
Main entry point for the data access system. |
ButlerConfig ([other, searchPaths]) |
Contains the configuration for a Butler |
ButlerURI (uri[, root, forceAbsolute]) |
Convenience wrapper around URI parsers. |
ButlerValidationError |
There is a problem with the Butler configuration. |
CompositeAssembler (storageClass) |
Class for providing assembler and disassembler support for composites. |
CompositesConfig ([other, validate, …]) |
CompositesMap (config, *, universe) |
Determine whether a specific datasetType or StorageClass should be disassembled. |
Config ([other]) |
Implements a datatype that is used by Butler for configuration parameters. |
ConfigSubset ([other, validate, …]) |
Config representing a subset of a more general configuration. |
ConflictingDefinitionError |
Exception raised when trying to insert a database record when a conflicting record already exists. |
Constraints (config, *, universe) |
Determine whether a DatasetRef , DatasetType , or StorageClass is allowed to be handled. |
ConstraintsConfig ([other]) |
Configuration information for Constraints |
ConstraintsValidationError |
Exception thrown when a constraints list has mutually exclusive definitions. |
DataId ([dataId, dimensions, dimension, …]) |
A dict-like identifier for data usable across multiple collections and DatasetType s. |
DataIdPacker |
An abstract base class for a bidirectional mappings between a DataId and a packed integer or bytes blob. |
DataIdPackerDimensions (given, required) |
A helper class that holds the three categories of dimensions associated with DataIdPacker objects. |
DatabaseDict (config, types, key, value[, …]) |
An abstract base class for dict-like objects with a specific key type and namedtuple values, backed by a database. |
DatasetComponent (name, storageClass, component) |
Component of a dataset and associated information. |
DatasetOriginInfo |
Interface for classes providing collection information for pre-flight. |
DatasetOriginInfoDef (defaultInputs, …[, …]) |
Default implementation of the DatasetOriginInfo. |
DatasetRef (datasetType, dataId[, id, run, …]) |
Reference to a Dataset in a Registry . |
DatasetType (name, dimensions, storageClass, *) |
A named category of Datasets that defines how they are organized, related, and stored. |
DatasetTypeNotSupportedError |
A DatasetType is not handled by this routine. |
Datastore (config, registry[, butlerRoot]) |
Datastore interface. |
DatastoreConfig ([other, validate, …]) |
DatastoreValidationError |
There is a problem with the Datastore configuration. |
Dimension (universe, name, config) |
A discrete dimension of data used to organize Datasets and associate them with metadata. |
DimensionConfig ([other, validate, …]) |
DimensionElement (universe, name, hasRegion, …) |
Base class for elements in the dimension schema. |
DimensionGraph (universe, elements, …) |
An automatically-expanded collection of both Dimension s and DimensionJoin s. |
DimensionJoin (universe, name, config) |
A join that relates two or more Dimension s. |
DimensionKeyDict ([other, universe, keys, …]) |
An immutable mapping that uses DimensionElement instances as keys. |
DimensionSet (universe, elements[, expand, …]) |
A custom set/dict hybrid class for collections of DimensionElement s. |
DimensionUniverse () |
Specialization for a DimensionGraph that defines a complete system of dimensions. |
Execution ([startTime, endTime, host, id]) |
Any step in a production. |
FileDescriptor (location, storageClass[, …]) |
Describes a particular file. |
FileTemplate (template) |
Format a path template into a fully expanded path. |
FileTemplateValidationError |
Exception thrown when a file template is not consistent with the associated DatasetType . |
FileTemplates (config[, default]) |
Collection of FileTemplate templates. |
FileTemplatesConfig ([other]) |
Configuration information for FileTemplates |
Formatter (fileDescriptor) |
Interface for reading and writing Datasets with a particular StorageClass . |
FormatterFactory () |
Factory for Formatter instances. |
Location (datastoreRootUri, path) |
Identifies a location within the Datastore . |
LocationFactory (datastoreRoot) |
Factory for Location instances. |
LookupKey ([name, dimensions, dataId, universe]) |
Representation of key that can be used to lookup information based on dataset type name, storage class name, dimensions. |
MappingFactory (refType) |
Register the mapping of some key to a python type and retrieve instances. |
OrphanedRecordError |
Exception raised when trying to remove or modify a database record that is still being used in some other table. |
Quantum (*[, taskName, taskClass, dataId, …]) |
A discrete unit of work that may depend on one or more datasets and produces one or more datasets. |
Registry (registryConfig[, schemaConfig, …]) |
Registry interface. |
RegistryConfig ([other, validate, …]) |
Run (collection[, environment, pipeline]) |
Represent a processing run. |
Schema ([config, limited]) |
The SQL schema for a Butler Registry. |
SchemaBuilder (config[, limited]) |
Builds a Schema step-by-step. |
SchemaConfig ([other, validate, …]) |
StorageClass ([name, pytype, components, …]) |
Class describing how a label maps to a particular Python type. |
StorageClassConfig ([other, validate, …]) |
StorageClassFactory ([config]) |
Factory for StorageClass instances. |
StoredFileInfo (formatter, path, storageClass) |
Information associated with a stored file in a Datastore. |
ValidationError |
Some sort of validation error has occurred. |