
ApdbMetricTask is a base class for generating Measurements from an Alert Production Database. The class handles loading an appropriately configured database, while subclasses are responsible for creating the Measurement using the database API.

ApdbMetricTask is currently a subclass of lsst.verify.tasks.MetricTask. It is expected that ApdbMetricTask can be migrated to the Gen 3 framework without affecting its subclasses.

Processing summary

ApdbMetricTask runs this sequence of operations:

  1. Load the dataset indicated by dbInfo (default: the top-level science task’s config).
  2. Generate an Apdb object by calling the dbLoader subtask (default: ConfigApdbLoader).
  3. Process the database by passing it to the customizable makeMeasurement method, and return the Measurement.

Python API summary

from lsst.verify.tasks.apdbMetricTask import ApdbMetricTask

A base class for tasks that compute metrics from an alert production database...


Access configuration fields and retargetable subtasks.

methodrun(dbInfo, outputDataId={})

Compute a measurement from a database...

See also

See the ApdbMetricTask API reference for complete details.

Butler datasets

Input datasets

The Butler dataset from which the database connection can be initialized. The type must match the input required by the dbLoader subtask (default: the top-level science task’s config). If the input is a config, its name must be explicitly configured when running ApdbMetricTask or a MetricsControllerTask that contains it.

Retargetable subtasks


Field type
Task for loading a database from dbInfo. Its run method must take the dataset provided by dbInfo and return a Struct with a ‘apdb’ member.

Configuration fields


Data type
Field type
Configurations describing the connections of the PipelineTask to datatypes