
lsst.validate.drp.validate.runOneFilter(repo, visitDataIds, metrics, brightSnr=100, makeJson=True, filterName=None, outputPrefix='', useJointCal=False, skipTEx=False, verbose=False, metrics_package='verify_metrics', instrument='Unknown', dataset_repo_url='./', skipNonSrd=False, **kwargs)

Main executable for the case where there is just one filter.

Plot files and JSON files are generated in the local directory prefixed with the repository name (where ‘_’ replace path separators), unless overriden by specifying outputPrefix. E.g., Analyzing a repository CFHT/output will result in filenames that start with CFHT_output_.

repo : string or Butler

A Butler or a repository URL that can be used to construct one.

dataIds : list of dict

List of butler data IDs of Image catalogs to compare to reference. The calexp pixel image is needed for the photometric calibration unless useJointCal is True, in which the photoCalib and wcs datasets are used instead. Note that these have data IDs that include the tract number.

metrics : dict or collections.OrderedDict

Dictionary of lsst.validate.base.Metric instances. Typically this is data from validate_drp’s metrics.yaml and loaded with lsst.validate.base.load_metrics.

brightSnr : float, optional

Minimum SNR for a star to be considered bright

makeJson : bool, optional

Create JSON output file for metrics. Saved to current working directory.

outputPrefix : str, optional

Specify the beginning filename for output files.

filterName : str, optional

Name of the filter (bandpass).

useJointCal : bool, optional

Use jointcal/meas_mosaic outputs to calibrate positions and fluxes.

skipTEx : bool, optional

Skip TEx calculations (useful for older catalogs that don’t have PsfShape measurements).

verbose : bool, optional

Output additional information on the analysis steps.

skipNonSrd : bool, optional

Skip any metrics not defined in the LSST SRD; default False.