
lsst.afw.typehandling provides tools for handling C++ objects of arbirary type. Capabilities include a generic collection that can store LSST types, including types not accessible to afw.


lsst.afw.typehandling is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the afw component.

Python API reference

lsst.afw.typehandling Package


GenericMap An abstract Mapping for use when sharing a map between C++ and Python.
MutableGenericMap An abstract MutableMapping for use when sharing a map between C++ and Python.
SimpleGenericMap A dict-like MutableMapping for use when sharing a map between C++ and Python.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.afw.typehandling._GenericMap.GenericMap, lsst.afw.typehandling._GenericMap.MutableGenericMap, lsst.afw.typehandling._SimpleGenericMap.SimpleGenericMap, lsst.afw.typehandling.Storable