
The ap_association package provides tools for associating DIAObjects to DIASources, persisting this association, and computing DIAObject summary statistics.


lsst.ap.association is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the ap_association component.

Task reference


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Python API reference

lsst.ap.association Package


getCcdVisitSchemaSql() Define the schema for the CcdVisit table.
make_dia_forced_source_schema() Define and create the minimal schema required for a DiaForcedSource.
make_dia_object_schema([filter_names]) Define and create the minimal schema required for a DIAObject.
make_dia_source_schema() Define and create the minimal schema required for a DIASource.


AssociationConfig Config class for AssociationTask.
AssociationTask(**kwargs) Associate DIAOSources into existing DIAObjects.
Chi2DiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute chi2 of diaSource fluxes.
DiaForcedSourceTask(**kwargs) Task for measuring and storing forced sources at DiaObject locations in both difference and direct images.
DiaForcedSourcedConfig Configuration for the generic DiaForcedSourcedTask class.
DiaObjectCalculationConfig Config class for the catalog calculation driver task.
DiaObjectCalculationPlugin(config, name, …) Base class for DIA catalog calculation plugins.
DiaObjectCalculationPluginConfig Default configuration class for DIA catalog calculation plugins.
DiaObjectCalculationTask([plugMetadata]) Run plugins which operate on a catalog of DIA sources.
DiaPipelineConfig Config for DiaPipelineTask.
DiaPipelineConnections(*, config) Butler connections for DiaPipelineTask.
DiaPipelineTask([initInputs]) Task for loading, associating and storing Difference Image Analysis (DIA) Objects and Sources.
ErrMeanDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute the mean of the dia source errors.
HTMIndexDiaPosition(config, name, metadata) Compute the mean position of a DiaObject given a set of DiaSources.
LinearFitDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute fit a linear model to flux vs time.
LoadDiaCatalogsConfig Config class for LoadDiaCatalogsConfig.
LoadDiaCatalogsTask(**kwargs) Retrieve DiaObjects and associated DiaSources from the Apdb given an input exposure.
MadDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute median absolute deviation of diaSource fluxes.
MapApDataConfig Configuration for the generic MapApDataTask class.
MapApDataTask(inputSchema, outputSchema, …) Generic mapper class for copying values from a science pipelines catalog into a product for use in ap_association or the APDB.
MapDiaSourceConfig Config for the DiaSourceMapperTask
MapDiaSourceTask(inputSchema, **kwargs) Task specific for copying columns from science pipelines catalogs, calibrating them, for use in ap_association and the APDB.
MaxSlopeDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute the maximum ratio time ordered deltaFlux / deltaTime.
MeanDiaPosition(config, name, metadata) Compute the mean position of a DiaObject given a set of DiaSources.
MinMaxDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute min/max of diaSource fluxes.
NumDiaSourcesDiaPlugin(config, name, metadata) Compute the total number of DiaSources associated with this DiaObject.
PercentileDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata, …) Compute percentiles of diaSource fluxes.
SigmaDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute scatter of diaSource fluxes.
SigmaDiaTotFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute scatter of diaSource fluxes.
SimpleSourceFlagDiaPlugin(config, name, metadata) Find if any DiaSource is flagged.
SkewDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute the skew of diaSource fluxes.
StetsonJDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute the StetsonJ statistic on the DIA point source fluxes.
UnpackApdbFlags(flag_map_file, table_name) Class for unpacking bits from integer flag fields stored in the Apdb.
WeightedMeanDiaPsFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute the weighted mean and mean error on the point source fluxes of the DiaSource measured on the difference image.
WeightedMeanDiaTotFlux(config, name, metadata) Compute the weighted mean and mean error on the point source fluxes forced photometered at the DiaSource location in the calibrated image.

lsst.ap.association.metrics Module


NumberNewDiaObjectsMetricTask(**kwargs) Task that computes the number of DIASources that create new DIAObjects in an image, visit, etc..
NumberUnassociatedDiaObjectsMetricTask(**kwargs) Task that computes the number of previously-known DIAObjects that do not have detected DIASources in an image, visit, etc..
FractionUpdatedDiaObjectsMetricTask(**kwargs) Task that computes the fraction of previously created DIAObjects that have a new association in this image, visit, etc..
TotalUnassociatedDiaObjectsMetricTask(**kwargs) Task that computes the number of DIAObjects with only one associated DIASource.