
class lsst.afw.table.MultiMatch(schema, dataIdFormat, coordField='coord', idField='id', radius=None, RecordClass=<class 'lsst.afw.table.SourceRecord'>)

Bases: object

Initialize a multi-catalog match.

schema : lsst.afw.table.Schema

Schema shared by all catalogs to be included in the match.

dataIdFormat : dict

Set of name: type for all data ID keys (e.g. {“visit”:int, “ccd”:int}).

coordField : str, optional

Prefix for _ra and _dec fields that contain the coordinates to use for the match.

idField : str, optional

Name of the field in schema that contains unique object IDs.

radius : lsst.geom.Angle, optional

Maximum separation for a match. Defaults to 0.5 arcseconds.

RecordClass : lsst.afw.table.BaseRecord

Type of record to expect in catalogs to be matched.

Methods Summary

add(catalog, dataId) Add a new catalog to the match, corresponding to the given data ID.
finish([removeAmbiguous]) Return the final match catalog, after sorting it by object, copying it to ensure contiguousness, and optionally removing ambiguous matches.
makeRecord(inputRecord, dataId, objId) Create a new result record from the given input record, using the given data ID and object ID to fill in additional columns.

Methods Documentation

add(catalog, dataId)

Add a new catalog to the match, corresponding to the given data ID. The new catalog is appended to the self.result and self.reference catalogs.

catalog : lsst.afw.table.base.Catalog

Catalog to be added to the match result.

dataId : DataId or dict

Data id for the catalog to be added.


Return the final match catalog, after sorting it by object, copying it to ensure contiguousness, and optionally removing ambiguous matches.

After calling finish(), the in-progress state of the matcher is returned to the state it was just after construction, with the exception of the object ID counter (which is not reset).

removeAmbiguous : bool, optional

Should ambiguous matches be removed from the match catalog? Defaults to True.

result : lsst.afw.table.base.Catalog

Final match catalog, sorted by object.

makeRecord(inputRecord, dataId, objId)

Create a new result record from the given input record, using the given data ID and object ID to fill in additional columns.

inputRecord : lsst.afw.table.source.sourceRecord

Record to use as the reference for the new result.

dataId : DataId or dict

Data id describing the data.

objId : int

Object id of the object to be added.

outputRecord : lsst.afw.table.source.sourceRecord

Newly generated record.