.. _lsst.daf.butler-concrete_storage_classes_dataframe: DataFrame --------- The ``DataFrame`` storage class corresponds to the `pandas.DataFrame` class in Python. It includes special support for dealing with multi-level indexes (i.e. `pandas.MultiIndex`) in columns. Components ^^^^^^^^^^ The ``DataFrame`` storage class has a single component, ``columns``, which contains a description of the columns as a `pandas.Index` (often `pandas.MultiIndex`) instance. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ The ``DataFrame`` storage clss supports a single parameter for partial reads, with the key ``columns``. For single-level columns, this should be a single column name (`str`) or a `list` of column names. For multi-level index (`pandas.MultiIndex`) columns, this should be a dictionary whose keys are the names of the levels, and whose values are column names (`str`) or lists thereof. The loaded columns are the product of the values for all levels. Levels not included in the dict are included in their entirety. For example, the ``deepCoadd_obj`` dataset is typically defined as a hierarchical table with levels ``dataset``, ``filter``, and ``column``, which take values such as ``("meas", "HSC-R", "base_SdssShape_xx")``. Retrieving this dataset via:: butler.get( "deepCoadd_obj", ..., parameters={ "columns": {"dataset": "meas", "filter": ["HSC-R", "HSC-I"], "column": ["base_SdssShape_xx", "base_SdssShape_yy"]} } ) is equivalent to (but potentially much more efficient than):: full = butler.get("deepCoadd_obj", ...) full.loc[:, ["meas", ["HSC-R", "HSC-I"], ["base_SdssShape_xx", "base_SdssShape_yy"]]]