
class lsst.obs.lsst.UcdCamInstrument(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCamInstrument

Gen3 Butler specialization for UCDCam test stand data.

Attributes Summary

configPaths Built-in mutable sequence.

Methods Summary

applyConfigOverrides(name, config) Apply instrument-specific overrides for a task config.
extractDetectorRecord(camGeomDetector) Create a Gen3 Detector entry dict from a cameraGeom.Detector.
getCamera() Retrieve the cameraGeom representation of this instrument.
getRawFormatter(dataId) Return the Formatter class that should be used to read a particular raw file.
register(registry) Insert instrument, physical_filter, and detector entries into a Registry.
writeCuratedCalibrations(butler) Write human-curated calibration Datasets to the given Butler with the appropriate validity ranges.

Attributes Documentation


Built-in mutable sequence.

If no argument is given, the constructor creates a new empty list. The argument must be an iterable if specified.

filterDefinitions = <lsst.obs.base.filters.FilterDefinitionCollection object>
instrument = 'LSST-UCDCam'
obsDataPackageDir = '/opt/lsst/software/stack/stack/miniconda3-4.7.12-984c9f7/Linux64/obs_lsst_data/19.0.0-3-g62ccb58'
policyName = 'ucd'

Methods Documentation

applyConfigOverrides(name, config)

Apply instrument-specific overrides for a task config.

name : str

Name of the object being configured; typically the _DefaultName of a Task.

config : lsst.pex.config.Config

Config instance to which overrides should be applied.


Create a Gen3 Detector entry dict from a cameraGeom.Detector.

classmethod getCamera()

Retrieve the cameraGeom representation of this instrument.

This is a temporary API that should go away once obs_ packages have a standardized approach to writing versioned cameras to a Gen3 repo.

classmethod getName()

Return the Formatter class that should be used to read a particular raw file.

dataId : DataCoordinate

Dimension-based ID for the raw file or files being ingested.

formatter : Formatter class

Class to be used that reads the file into an lsst.afw.image.Exposure instance.


Insert instrument, physical_filter, and detector entries into a Registry.


Write human-curated calibration Datasets to the given Butler with the appropriate validity ranges.

This is a temporary API that should go away once obs_ packages have a standardized approach to this problem.