
class lsst.daf.butler.registry.ConsistentDataIds(overlaps: bool, contains: bool, within: bool)

Bases: object

A struct used to report relationships between data IDs by Registry.relateDataIds.

If an instance of this class is returned (instead of None), the data IDs are “not inconsistent” - any keys they have in common have the same value, and any spatial or temporal relationships they have at least might involve an overlap. To capture this, any instance of ConsistentDataIds coerces to True in boolean contexts.

Attributes Summary

disjoint If True, the two data IDs have no keys in common.
equal If True, the two data IDs are the same.

Attributes Documentation


If True, the two data IDs have no keys in common.

This is simply the oppose of overlaps. Disjoint datasets are by definition not inconsistent.


If True, the two data IDs are the same.

Data IDs are equal if they have both a contains and a within relationship.