
class lsst.obs.lsst.latiss.LatissMapper(inputPolicy=None, **kwargs)

Bases: lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCamMapper

The Mapper for the LATISS camera.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

Mapper(cfg) Instantiate a Mapper from a configuration.
backup(datasetType, dataId) Rename any existing object with the given type and dataId.
bypass_camera(datasetType, pythonType, …) Return the (preloaded) camera object.
bypass_ccdExposureId(datasetType, …)
bypass_ccdExposureId_bits(datasetType, …) How many bits are required for the maximum exposure ID
bypass_dcrCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, …)
bypass_dcrCoaddId_bits(datasetType, …)
bypass_dcrMergedCoaddId(datasetType, …)
bypass_dcrMergedCoaddId_bits(*args, **kwargs) The number of bits used up for patch ID bits.
bypass_deepCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, …)
bypass_deepCoaddId_bits(*args, **kwargs) The number of bits used up for patch ID bits.
bypass_deepMergedCoaddId(datasetType, …)
bypass_deepMergedCoaddId_bits(*args, **kwargs) The number of bits used up for patch ID bits.
bypass_expIdInfo(datasetType, pythonType, …) Hook to retrieve an lsst.obs.base.ExposureIdInfo for an exposure
bypass_raw_filename(*args, **kwargs) Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.
bypass_raw_hdu(datasetType, pythonType, …)
bypass_raw_md(datasetType, pythonType, …)
bypass_raw_visitInfo(datasetType, …)
canStandardize(datasetType) Return true if this mapper can standardize an object of the given dataset type.
getCameraName() Return the name of the camera that this CameraMapper is for.
getDatasetTypes() Return a list of the mappable dataset types.
getImageCompressionSettings(datasetType, dataId) Stuff image compression settings into a daf.base.PropertySet
getKeys(datasetType, level) Return a dict of supported keys and their value types for a given dataset type at a given level of the key hierarchy.
getPackageDir() Return the base directory of this package
getPackageName() Return the name of the package containing this CameraMapper.
getRegistry() Get the registry used by this mapper.
getShortCcdName(ccdName) Convert a CCD name to a form useful as a filename
keys() Return supported keys.
map(datasetType, dataId[, write]) Map a data id using the mapping method for its dataset type.
map_camera(dataId[, write]) Map a camera dataset.
map_expIdInfo(dataId[, write])
map_raw_filename(*args, **kwargs) Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.
map_raw_md(*args, **kwargs) Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.
map_raw_visitInfo(*args, **kwargs) Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.
map_skypolicy(dataId) Map a sky policy.
queryMetadata(datasetType, format, dataId) Get possible values for keys given a partial data id.
query_raw(*args, **kwargs) Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.
query_raw_amp(format, dataId) Return a list of tuples of values of the fields specified in format, in order.
standardize(datasetType, item, dataId) Standardize an object using the standardization method for its data set type, if it exists.
std_bfKernel(item, dataId) Disable standardization for bfKernel
std_raw(item, dataId[, filter]) Standardize a raw dataset by converting it to an Exposure instead of an Image.
std_raw_amp(item, dataId)
std_skypolicy(item, dataId) Standardize a sky policy by returning the one we use.
validate(dataId) Validate a dataId’s contents.

Attributes Documentation

filterDefinitions = <lsst.obs.base.filters.FilterDefinitionCollection object>
packageName = 'obs_lsst'
yamlFileList = ['latiss/latissMapper.yaml', 'lsstCamMapper.yaml']

Methods Documentation

static Mapper(cfg)

Instantiate a Mapper from a configuration. In come cases the cfg may have already been instantiated into a Mapper, this is allowed and the input var is simply returned.

Parameters:cfg – the cfg for this mapper. It is recommended this be created by calling Mapper.cfg()
Returns:a Mapper instance
backup(datasetType, dataId)

Rename any existing object with the given type and dataId.

The CameraMapper implementation saves objects in a sequence of e.g.:

  • foo.fits
  • foo.fits~1
  • foo.fits~2

All of the backups will be placed in the output repo, however, and will not be removed if they are found elsewhere in the _parent chain. This means that the same file will be stored twice if the previous version was found in an input repo.

bypass_camera(datasetType, pythonType, butlerLocation, dataId)

Return the (preloaded) camera object.

bypass_ccdExposureId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_ccdExposureId_bits(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)

How many bits are required for the maximum exposure ID

bypass_dcrCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_dcrCoaddId_bits(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_dcrMergedCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_dcrMergedCoaddId_bits(*args, **kwargs)

The number of bits used up for patch ID bits.

bypass_deepCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_deepCoaddId_bits(*args, **kwargs)

The number of bits used up for patch ID bits.

bypass_deepMergedCoaddId(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_deepMergedCoaddId_bits(*args, **kwargs)

The number of bits used up for patch ID bits.

bypass_expIdInfo(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)

Hook to retrieve an lsst.obs.base.ExposureIdInfo for an exposure

bypass_raw_filename(*args, **kwargs)

Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.

This code redirects the call to the right place, necessary because of leading underscore on _raw.

bypass_raw_hdu(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_raw_md(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)
bypass_raw_visitInfo(datasetType, pythonType, location, dataId)

Return true if this mapper can standardize an object of the given dataset type.

classmethod getCameraName()

Return the name of the camera that this CameraMapper is for.


Return a list of the mappable dataset types.

getImageCompressionSettings(datasetType, dataId)

Stuff image compression settings into a daf.base.PropertySet

This goes into the ButlerLocation’s “additionalData”, which gets passed into the boost::persistence framework.

datasetType : str

Type of dataset for which to get the image compression settings.

dataId : dict

Dataset identifier.

additionalData : lsst.daf.base.PropertySet

Image compression settings.

getKeys(datasetType, level)

Return a dict of supported keys and their value types for a given dataset type at a given level of the key hierarchy.

datasetType : str

Dataset type or None for all dataset types.

level : str or None

Level or None for all levels or ‘’ for the default level for the camera.


Keys are strings usable in a dataset identifier, values are their value types.

classmethod getPackageDir()

Return the base directory of this package

classmethod getPackageName()

Return the name of the package containing this CameraMapper.


Get the registry used by this mapper.

Registry or None

The registry used by this mapper for this mapper’s repository.

static getShortCcdName(ccdName)

Convert a CCD name to a form useful as a filename

The default implementation converts spaces to underscores.


Return supported keys.


List of keys usable in a dataset identifier

map(datasetType, dataId, write=False)

Map a data id using the mapping method for its dataset type.

datasetType : string

The datasetType to map

dataId : DataId instance

The dataId to use when mapping

write : bool, optional

Indicates if the map is being performed for a read operation (False) or a write operation (True)

ButlerLocation or a list of ButlerLocation

The location(s) found for the map operation. If write is True, a list is returned. If write is False a single ButlerLocation is returned.


If no locaiton was found for this map operation, the derived mapper class may raise a lsst.daf.persistence.NoResults exception. Butler catches this and will look in the next Repository if there is one.

map_camera(dataId, write=False)

Map a camera dataset.

map_expIdInfo(dataId, write=False)
map_raw_filename(*args, **kwargs)

Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.

This code redirects the call to the right place, necessary because of leading underscore on _raw.

map_raw_md(*args, **kwargs)

Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.

This code redirects the call to the right place, necessary because of leading underscore on _raw.

map_raw_visitInfo(*args, **kwargs)

Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.

This code redirects the call to the right place, necessary because of leading underscore on _raw.


Map a sky policy.

queryMetadata(datasetType, format, dataId)

Get possible values for keys given a partial data id.

  • datasetType – see documentation about the use of datasetType
  • key – this is used as the ‘level’ parameter
  • format
  • dataId – see documentation about the use of dataId

query_raw(*args, **kwargs)

Magic method that is called automatically if it exists.

This code redirects the call to the right place, necessary because of leading underscore on _raw.

query_raw_amp(format, dataId)

Return a list of tuples of values of the fields specified in format, in order.

format : list

The desired set of keys.

dataId : dict

A possible-incomplete dataId.

fields : list of tuple

Values of the fields specified in format.


The channel number requested in dataId is out of range.

standardize(datasetType, item, dataId)

Standardize an object using the standardization method for its data set type, if it exists.

std_bfKernel(item, dataId)

Disable standardization for bfKernel

bfKernel is a calibration product that is numpy array, unlike other calibration products that are all images; all calibration images are sent through _standardizeExposure due to CalibrationMapping, but we don’t want that to happen to bfKernel

std_raw(item, dataId, filter=True)

Standardize a raw dataset by converting it to an Exposure instead of an Image.

std_raw_amp(item, dataId)
std_skypolicy(item, dataId)

Standardize a sky policy by returning the one we use.


Validate a dataId’s contents.

If the dataId is valid, return it. If an invalid component can be transformed into a valid one, copy the dataId, fix the component, and return the copy. Otherwise, raise an exception.