###################################################### Configuring Git LFS for downloading LSST data packages ###################################################### LSST uses `Git LFS`_ to efficiently store large files in Git repositories. Typical Science Pipelines installations, like ``lsst_distrib``, *do not* require Git LFS. However, some tutorials might require Git LFS to clone a specific Git repository that does use Git LFS. The `testdata_ci_hsc`_ package is one example. This page describes how to configure Git LFS to work with LSST's servers. .. note:: LSST staff and contributors should follow the `instructions in the Developer Guide`_ for configuring Git LFS with authenticated (push) access. .. _git-lfs-installation: Getting Git LFS =============== Git LFS comes with your LSST Science Pipelines installation. To check that it's available, run: .. code-block:: bash git-lfs version You can also install Git LFS independently of the LSST Science Pipelines. Follow the instructions on the `Git LFS homepage`_ to install Git LFS onto your system. Note that we suggest using the specific version of Git LFS provided by our :ref:`standard environment <system-prereqs>`. .. _git-lfs-config: Configuring Git LFS for LSST ============================ Since LSST uses its own data servers, rather than GitHub's, you'll need to add some extra configurations beyond a regular installation. Create or edit the :file:`~/.gitconfig` file to add these new lines: .. code-block:: text # Cache anonymous access to LSST Git LFS S3 servers [credential "https://lsst-sqre-prod-git-lfs.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com"] helper = store [credential "https://s3.lsst.codes"] helper = store Also create or edit the :file:`~/.git-credentials` file to add these new lines: .. code-block:: text https://:@lsst-sqre-prod-git-lfs.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com https://:@s3.lsst.codes .. _git-lfs-test: Try it out ========== Trying cloning the `testdata_decam`_ Git repository to test your configuration: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/lsst/testdata_decam.git .. note:: LSST contributors need to follow some extra steps to authenticate commands that push to the upstream repository on GitHub. See the `Developer Guide for details`. .. _`Git LFS homepage`: .. _Git LFS: https://git-lfs.github.com/ .. _`Developer Guide for details`: .. _`instructions in the Developer Guide`: https://developer.lsst.io/git/git-lfs.html .. _`testdata_decam`: https://github.com/lsst/testdata_decam .. _`testdata_ci_hsc`: https://github.com/lsst/testdata_ci_hsc