.. _lsst.faro-design:

.. py:currentmodule:: lsst.faro

.. _lsst.faro-references:

References and prior art

``lsst.faro`` builds on
 - The lsst.verify framework for computing data quality metrics,  described in `DMTN-098 <https://dmtn-098.lsst.io>`_ and `DMTN-057 <https://dmtn-057.lsst.io>`_

 - The validate_drp package, the Gen2 middleware based code for computing KPMs, as described in `DMTN-008 <https://dmtn-008.lsst.io>`_

.. _lsst.faro-design_goals:

Design goals

Here we outline the architecture and design concepts of ``lsst.faro``

- Enable the computation of scalar performance metrics for LSST

- Gen3 based

.. _lsst.faro-architecture:


``faro`` is based on the :ref:``lsst.verify`` framework for computing key performance metrics.

.. _lsst.faro-package_organization:

Organization of the faro package

Directory structure

- Preparation:  produces an intermediate data product
- Measurement:  produces one scalar lsst.verify.Measurement per unit of data (e.g., per tract, per patch).
- Summary:  takes collection of lsst.verify.Measurement objects as input and produces a single scalar ``lsst.verify.Measurement`` that is an aggregation (e.g., mean, median, rms, etc.) of the per-tract, per-patch, etc. metrics.

Naming conventions