
class lsst.daf.butler.ButlerMDC

Bases: object

Handle setting and unsetting of global MDC records.

The Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) can be used to set context for log messages.

Currently there is one global MDC dict. Per-thread MDC is not yet supported.

Methods Summary

MDC(key, value) Set MDC for this key to the supplied value.
MDCRemove(key) Clear the MDC value associated with this key.

Methods Documentation

classmethod MDC(key: str, value: str) → str

Set MDC for this key to the supplied value.

key : str

Key to modify.

value : str

New value to use.

old : str

The previous value for this key.

classmethod MDCRemove(key: str) → None

Clear the MDC value associated with this key.

Can be called even if the key is not known to MDC.