
class lsst.pipe.base.connectionTypes.BaseConnection(name: str, storageClass: str, doc: str = '', multiple: bool = False)

Bases: object

Base class used for declaring PipelineTask connections

name : str

The name used to identify the dataset type

storageClass : str

The storage class used when (un)/persisting the dataset type

multiple : bool

Indicates if this connection should expect to contain multiple objects of the given dataset type. Tasks with more than one connection with multiple=True with the same dimensions may want to implement PipelineTaskConnections.adjustQuantum to ensure those datasets are consistent (i.e. zip-iterable) in PipelineTask.runQuantum and notify the execution system as early as possible of outputs that will not be produced because the corresponding input is missing.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

makeDatasetType(universe, …) Construct a true DatasetType instance with normalized dimensions.

Attributes Documentation

doc = ''
multiple = False

Methods Documentation

makeDatasetType(universe: lsst.daf.butler.core.dimensions._universe.DimensionUniverse, parentStorageClass: Union[lsst.daf.butler.core.storageClass.StorageClass, str, None] = None) → lsst.daf.butler.core.datasets.type.DatasetType

Construct a true DatasetType instance with normalized dimensions.

universe : lsst.daf.butler.DimensionUniverse

Set of all known dimensions to be used to normalize the dimension names specified in config.

parentStorageClass : lsst.daf.butler.StorageClass or str, optional

Parent storage class for component datasets; None otherwise.

datasetType : DatasetType

The DatasetType defined by this connection.