.. py:currentmodule:: lsst.afw.math .. _lsst.afw.math-StatisticsExample: ################################### Example of lsst.afw.math.Statistics ################################### Demonstrate the use of `Statistics`; the code's in `afw/examples/statistics.cc <https://github.com/lsst/afw/blob/master/examples/statistics.cc>`_. Start by including needed headers and declaring namespace aliases .. code-block:: cpp #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include "lsst/geom.h" #include "lsst/afw/image/Image.h" #include "lsst/afw/image/MaskedImage.h" #include "lsst/afw/math/Statistics.h" using namespace std; namespace image = lsst::afw::image; namespace math = lsst::afw::math; Create an `lsst.afw.image.Image` .. code-block:: cpp typedef image::Image<float> ImageF; int main() { // First we'll try a regular image ImageF img(lsst::geom::Extent2I(10, 40)); img = 100000.0; Create a `Statistics` object from that `~lsst.afw.image.Image`, requesting the number of points, the mean, and the standard deviation. .. code-block:: cpp { math::Statistics stats = math::makeStatistics(img, math::NPOINT | math::MEAN | math::STDEV); And print the desired quantities. Note that we didn't request that the error in the mean be calculated, so a ``NaN`` is returned. .. code-block:: cpp cout << "Npixel: " << stats.getValue(math::NPOINT) << endl; cout << "Mean: " << stats.getValue(math::MEAN) << endl; cout << "Error in mean: " << stats.getError(math::MEAN) << " (expect NaN)" << endl; cout << "Standard Deviation: " << stats.getValue(math::STDEV) << endl << endl; } Here's another way to do the same thing. We use `makeStatistics` (cf. :cpp:func:`std::make_pair`) to avoid having to specify what sort of `Statistics` we're creating (and in C++0X you'll be able to say .. code-block:: cpp auto stats = math::makeStatistics(img, math::STDEV | math::MEAN | math::ERRORS); which means that we *never* have to provide information that the compiler has up its sleeve --- very convenient for generic template programming) .. code-block:: cpp { math::Statistics stats = math::makeStatistics(img, math::STDEV | math::MEAN | math::ERRORS); Print the answers again, but this time return that value and its error as a \c std::pair .. code-block:: cpp std::pair<double, double> mean = stats.getResult(math::MEAN); cout << "Mean: " << mean.first << " error in mean: " << mean.second << endl << endl; } Don't ask for things that you didn't request. .. code-block:: cpp { math::Statistics stats = math::makeStatistics(img, math::NPOINT); try { stats.getValue(math::MEAN); } catch (lsst::pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError &e) { cout << "You didn't ask for the mean, so we caught an exception: " << e.what() << endl; } } be tidy and return success (unnecessary; unlike C, C++ will return this 0 for you automatically) .. code-block:: cpp return 0; }