provides many of the Task
classes that drive the LSST Science Pipelines.
The command-line tasks listed here are useful data processing entry points for most users.
You can also assemble your own pipelines by combining individual tasks through their Python APIs.
does not provide all the tasks and command-line tasks in the LSST Science Pipelines.
For a complete list of all available tasks, see Task index and for an introduction to processing data see Getting started with the LSST Science Pipelines.
Using lsst.pipe.tasks¶
is developed at
You can find Jira issues for this module under the pipe_tasks component.
Task reference¶
Pipeline tasks¶
- AssembleCoaddTask
- Assemble a coadded image from a set of warps (coadded temporary exposures).
- CalibrateTask
- !Calibrate an exposure: measure sources and perform astrometric and photometric calibration
- CharacterizeImageTask
- ! Measure bright sources and use this to estimate background and PSF of an exposure
- CompareWarpAssembleCoaddTask
- Assemble a compareWarp coadded image from a set of warps by masking artifacts detected by comparing PSF-matched warps.
- ConsolidateHealSparsePropertyMapTask
- Task to consolidate HealSparse property maps.
- ConsolidateSourceTableTask
- Concatenate sourceTable list into a per-visit sourceTable_visit
- ConsolidateVisitSummaryTask
- Task to consolidate per-detector visit metadata.
- DcrAssembleCoaddTask
- Assemble DCR coadded images from a set of warps.
- DetectCoaddSourcesTask
- ! @anchor DetectCoaddSourcesTask
- DetectDcrCoaddSources
- Detect sources on a DCR coadd.
- FinalizeCharacterizationTask
- Run final characterization on exposures.
- HealSparsePropertyMapTask
- Task to compute Healsparse property maps.
- HighResolutionHipsTask
- Task for making high resolution HiPS images.
- ImageDifferenceTask
- Subtract an image from a template and measure the result
- IsolatedStarAssociationTask
- Associate sources into isolated star catalogs.
- MakeCoaddTempExpTask
- ! Warp and optionally PSF-Match calexps onto an a common projection.
- MeasureMergedCoaddSourcesTask
- ! @anchor MeasureMergedCoaddSourcesTask
- MeasureMergedDcrCoaddSourcesTask
- Deblend sources from master catalog in each coadd seperately and measure.
- MergeDcrDetectionsTask
- Merge dcrCoadd detections from multiple subfilters.
- MergeDcrMeasurementsTask
- Merge measurements from multiple subfilters.
- MergeDetectionsTask
- ! @anchor MergeDetectionsTask
- MergeMeasurementsTask
- ! @anchor MergeMeasurementsTask
- NumberDeblendChildSourcesMetricTask
- Task that computes the number of science sources created through deblending.
- NumberDeblendedSourcesMetricTask
- Task that computes the number of science sources that have been deblended.
- SafeClipAssembleCoaddTask
- Assemble a coadded image from a set of coadded temporary exposures, being careful to clip & flag areas with potential artifacts.
- TransformSourceTableTask
- Transform/standardize a source catalog
- WriteSourceTableTask
- Write source table to parquet.
Command-line tasks¶
- DeblendCoaddSourcesTask
- Deblend the sources in a merged catalog
- ExampleCmdLineTask
- ! Example command-line task that computes simple statistics on an image
- GetRepositoryDataTask
- Retrieve data from a repository, e.g. for plotting or analysis purposes
- MakeDiscreteSkyMapTask
- !Make a DiscreteSkyMap in a repository, using the bounding box of a set of calexps.
- MakeSkyMapTask
- !Make a sky map in a repository
- ProcessCcdTask
- ! Assemble raw data, fit the PSF, detect and measure, and fit WCS and zero-point
- BaseFakeSourcesTask
- An abstract base class for subtasks that inject fake sources into images to test completeness and other aspects of the processing.
- CalibsParseTask
- Task that will parse the filename and/or its contents to get the required information to populate the calibration registry.
- CalibsRegisterTask
- Task that will generate the calibration registry for the Mapper
- CoaddInputRecorderTask
- Subtask that handles filling a CoaddInputs object for a coadd exposure, tracking the CCDs and visits that went into a coadd.
- ComputeExposureSummaryStatsTask
- Task to compute exposure summary statistics.
- ExampleSigmaClippedStatsTask
- ! Example task to compute sigma-clipped mean and standard deviation of an image
- ExampleSimpleStatsTask
- ! Example task to compute mean and standard deviation of an image
- HealSparseInputMapTask
- Task for making a HealSparse input map.
- IngestCalibsTask
- Task that generates registry for calibration images
- IngestTask
- Task that will ingest images into the data repository
- InterpImageTask
- Interpolate over bad image pixels
- LoadReferenceCatalogTask
- Load multi-band reference objects from a reference catalog.
- MaskStreaksTask
- Find streaks or other straight lines in image data.
- MatchBackgroundsTask
- Base class for data processing tasks.
- MeasurePsfTask
- ! @anchor MeasurePsfTask
- ParseTask
- Task that will parse the filename and/or its contents to get the required information for putting the file in the correct location and populating the registry.
- PgsqlIngestTask
- Task that will ingest images into the data repository
- PgsqlRegisterTask
- Task that will generate the registry for the Mapper
- PhotoCalTask
- ! @anchor PhotoCalTask
- PropagateSourceFlagsTask
- Task to propagate source flags to coadd objects.
- PropagateVisitFlagsTask
- !Task to propagate flags from single-frame measurements to coadd measurements
- PsfWcsSelectImagesTask
- Select images using their Wcs and cuts on the PSF properties
- RegisterTask
- Task that will generate the registry for the Mapper
- RegisterTask
- Task to register (align) multiple images.
- RepairTask
- ! @anchor RepairTask
- ReserveIsolatedStarsTask
- Reserve isolated stars with repeatable hash.
- ScaleVarianceTask
- Scale the variance in a MaskedImage
- ScaleZeroPointTask
- Compute scale factor to scale exposures to a desired photometric zero point
- SetPrimaryFlagsTask
- Add isPrimaryKey to a given schema.
- SnapCombineTask
- ! anchor SnapCombineTask
- TransformTask
- ! anchor TransformTask
- WarpAndPsfMatchTask
- A task to warp and PSF-match an exposure
- WcsSelectImagesTask
- Select images using their Wcs
- Colorterm
- !Colorterm correction for one pair of filters
- ColortermDict
- A mapping of physical filter label to Colorterm
- ColortermLibrary
- !A mapping of photometric reference catalog name or glob to ColortermDict
- CullPeaksConfig
- ! @anchor CullPeaksConfig
- DatabaseSelectImagesConfig
- Base configuration for subclasses of BaseSelectImagesTask that use a database
- InitialPsfConfig
- !Describes the initial PSF used for detection and measurement before we do PSF determination.
Python API reference¶
lsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd Module¶
AssembleCoaddTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Assemble a coadded image from a set of warps (coadded temporary exposures). |
AssembleCoaddConnections (*[, config]) |
AssembleCoaddConfig |
Configuration parameters for the AssembleCoaddTask . |
SafeClipAssembleCoaddTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Assemble a coadded image from a set of coadded temporary exposures, being careful to clip & flag areas with potential artifacts. |
SafeClipAssembleCoaddConfig |
Configuration parameters for the SafeClipAssembleCoaddTask. |
CompareWarpAssembleCoaddTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Assemble a compareWarp coadded image from a set of warps by masking artifacts detected by comparing PSF-matched warps. |
CompareWarpAssembleCoaddConfig |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶
lsst.pipe.tasks.dcrAssembleCoadd Module¶
DcrAssembleCoaddConnections (*[, config]) |
DcrAssembleCoaddTask (*args, **kwargs) |
Assemble DCR coadded images from a set of warps. |
DcrAssembleCoaddConfig |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶
lsst.pipe.tasks.metrics Module¶
NumberDeblendedSourcesMetricTask (**kwargs) |
Task that computes the number of science sources that have been deblended. |
NumberDeblendedSourcesMetricConfig |
NumberDeblendChildSourcesMetricTask (**kwargs) |
Task that computes the number of science sources created through deblending. |
NumberDeblendChildSourcesMetricConfig |