lsst-ctrl-mpexec v24.0.0 (2022-08-26)

New Features

- Added ``--dataset-query-constraint`` option to ``pipetask qgraph`` command (and thus downstream commands) that allows a
  user to control how `~lsst.pipe.base.QuantumGraph` creation is constrained by dataset existence. (`DM-31769 <>`_)
- Builds using ``setuptools`` now calculate versions from the Git repository, including the use of alpha releases for those associated with weekly tags. (`DM-32408 <>`_)
- Added ``--summary`` option to ``pipetask run`` command, it produces JSON report for execution status of the whole process and individual quanta. (`DM-33481 <>`_)
- Added ``pipetask`` CLI commands ``purge`` and ``cleanup``. (`DM-33634 <>`_)
- Removed dependency on the ``obs_base`` and ``afw`` packages. Now only depends on ``pipe_base`` and ``daf_butler`` (along with ``pex_config`` and ``utils``). (`DM-34105 <>`_)
- Replaced the unused ``--do-raise`` option with ``--pdb``,
  which drops the user into the debugger
  (``pdb`` by default, but ``--pdb=ipdb`` also works if you have ``ipdb`` installed)
  on an exception. (`DM-34215 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- The `click.Path` API should mostly be used with keyword arguments, changed from ordered arguments to keyword arguments when calling it. (`DM-34261 <>`_)
- Fixed a bug where dot graphs of pipelines did not correctly render edges between composite and component dataset types. (`DM-34811 <>`_)

Other Changes and Additions

- Added `lsst.ctrl.mpexec.SimplePipelineExecutor`, a minimal high-level Python interface for `~lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTask` execution intended primarily for unit testing. (`DM-31966 <>`_)

lsst-ctrl-mpexec v23.0.1 (2022-02-02)

Miscellaneous Changes of Minor Interest

- Allow ``pipetask run`` execution to continue in single-process mode after failure of one or more tasks. Previously execution stopped on an exception from any task. (`DM-33339 <>`_)

lsst-ctrl-mpexec v23.0.0 (2021-12-10)

New Features

- Several improvements in ``pipetask`` execution options:

   - New option ``--skip-existing-in`` which takes collection names(s), if output datasets already exist in those collections corresponding quanta is skipped.
   - A ``--skip-existing`` option is now equivalent to appending output run collection to the ``--skip-existing-in`` list.
   - An ``--extend-run`` option implicitly enables ``--skip-existing`` option.
   - A ``--prune-replaced=unstore`` option only removes regular output datasets; InitOutputs, task configs, and package versions are not removed. (`DM-27492 <>`_)
- GraphViz dot files generated by pipetask now include more information (``RUN`` collection for datasets, dimensions for tasks, data IDs for quanta). (`DM-28111 <>`_)
- ``pipetask qgraph`` can now generate a standalone "execution butler" which is a SQLite registry with all the expected outputs pre-filled in registry.  Using this registry allow ``pipetask run`` to execute without touching the main registry whilst still writing file artifacts to the standard location.  It is not yet configured to allow a completely detached processing using a local datastore but this can be changed manually after creation to use a chained datastore. (`DM-28649 <>`_)
- * Log messages issued during quantum execution are now collected and stored in butler as ``tasklabel_log`` dataset types.
  * New command line options for logging have been added to ``pipetask``. These include ``--log-file`` to write log messages to a file and ``--no-log-tty`` to disable log output to the terminal. (`DM-30977 <>`_)
- * Add the output run to the log record.
  * Add ``--log-label`` option to ``pipetask`` command to allow extra information to be injected into the log record. (`DM-31884 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Improve exception handling in ``ExecFixupDataId`` (`DM-29384 <>`_)
- Fix config comparison with ``--skip-existing``. (`DM-29580 <>`_)
- Include output collection in call to ``buildExecutionButler``. (`DM-31691 <>`_)
- Fix call to ``buildExecutionButler`` when chained input collection. (`DM-31711 <>`_)

Miscellaneous Changes of Minor Interest

- Add some of the pipetask command line options to QuantumGraph metadata (`DM-30702 <>`_)

lsst-ctrl-mpexec v22.0 (2021-04-01)

New Features

* ``pipetask run`` can now execute a subset of a graph. This allows a single graph file to be created with an entire workflow and then only part of it to be executed. This is very important for large scale workflow execution. [DM-27667]

Performance Enhancement

* Multi-processing execution performance has been significantly improved for large graphs. [DM-28418]


* Ignore ``--input`` instead of rejecting it if it hasn't changed. [DM-28101]
* The graph file format has been changed from a pickle file to a form that can efficiently be accessed from an object store. This new format has a ``.qgraph`` file extension. [DM-27784]
* A full URI can now be used to specify the location of the quantum graph. [DM-27682]