lsst-pipe-base v24.0.0 (2022-08-26) =================================== New Features ------------ - Add the ability for user control over dataset constraints in `~lsst.pipe.base.QuantumGraph` creation. (`DM-31769 <>`_) - Builds using ``setuptools`` now calculate versions from the Git repository, including the use of alpha releases for those associated with weekly tags. (`DM-32408 <>`_) - Improve diagnostics for empty `~lsst.pipe.base.QuantumGraph`. (`DM-32459 <>`_) - A new class has been written for handling `~lsst.pipe.base.Task` metadata. `lsst.pipe.base.TaskMetadata` will in future become the default metadata class for `~lsst.pipe.base.Task`, replacing ``lsst.daf.base.PropertySet``. The new metadata class is not yet enabled by default. (`DM-32682 <>`_) - * Add ``TaskMetadata.to_dict()`` method (this is now used by the ``lsst.daf.base.PropertySet.from_mapping()`` method and triggered by the Butler if type conversion is needed). * Use the existing metadata storage class definition if one already exists in a repository. * Switch `~lsst.pipe.base.Task` to use `~lsst.pipe.base.TaskMetadata` for storing task metadata, rather than ``lsst.daf.base.PropertySet``. This removes a C++ dependency from the middleware. (`DM-33155 <>`_) - * Added `lsst.pipe.base.Instrument` to represent an instrument in Butler registry. * Added ``butler register-instrument`` command (relocated from ``obs_base``). * Added a formatter for ``pex_config`` `~lsst.pex.config.Config` objects. (`DM-34105 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed a bug where imported pipeline parameters were taking preference over "top-level" preferences (`DM-32080 <>`_) Other Changes and Additions --------------------------- - If a `~lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTask` has connections that have a different storage class for a dataset type than the one defined in registry, this will now be allowed if the storage classes are compatible. The `~lsst.pipe.base.Task` ``run()`` method will be given the Python type it expects and can return the Python type it has declared it returns. The Butler will do the type conversion automatically. (`DM-33303 <>`_) - Topological sorting of pipelines on write has been disabled; the order in which the pipeline tasks were read/added is preserved instead. This makes it unnecessary to import all tasks referenced by the pipeline in order to write it. (`DM-34155 <>`_) lsst-pipe-base v23.0.1 (2022-02-02) =================================== Miscellaneous Changes of Minor Interest --------------------------------------- - Execution butler creation time has been reduced significantly by avoiding unnecessary checks for existence of files in the datastore. (`DM-33345 <>`_) lsst-pipe-base v23.0.0 (2021-12-10) =================================== New Features ------------ - Added a new facility for creating "lightweight" (execution) butlers that pre-fills a local SQLite registry. This can allow a pipeline to be executed without talking to the main registry. (`DM-28646 <>`_) - Allow ``PipelineTasks`` inputs and outputs to be optional under certain conditions, so tasks with no work to do can be skipped without blocking downstream tasks from running. (`DM-30649 <>`_) - Log diagnostic information when QuantumGraphs are empty because the initial query yielded no results. At present, these diagnostics only cover missing input datasets, which is a common way to get an empty QuantumGraph, but not the only way. (`DM-31583 <>`_) API Changes ----------- - `GraphBuilder` constructor boolean argument `skipExisting` is replaced with `skipExistingIn` which accepts collections to check for existing quantum outputs. (`DM-27492 <>`_) Other Changes and Additions --------------------------- - The logger associated with ``Task`` is now derived from a Python `logging.Logger` and not `lsst.log.Log`. This logger includes a new ``verbose()`` log method as an intermediate between ``INFO`` and ``DEBUG``. (`DM-30301 <>`_) - Added metadata to QuantumGraphs. This changed the on disk save format, but is backwards compatible with graphs saved with previous versions of the QuantumGraph code. (`DM-30702 <>`_) - All Doxygen documentation has been removed and replaced by Sphinx. (`DM-23330 <>`_) - New documentation on writing pipelines has been added. (`DM-27416 <>`_) lsst-pipe-base v22.0 (2021-04-01) ================================= New Features ------------ * Add ways to test a PipelineTask's init inputs/outputs [DM-23156] * Pipelines can now support URIs [DM-28036] * Graph files can now be loaded and saved via URIs [DM-27682] * A new format for saving graphs has been developed (with a ``.qgraph`` extension). This format supports the ability to read a subset of a graph from an object store. [DM-27784] * Graph building with a pipeline that specifies an instrument no longer needs an explicit instrument to be given. [DM-27985] * A ``parameters`` section has been added to pipeline definitions. [DM-27633]