

lsst.ctrl.bps.htcondor is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the ctrl_bps_htcondor component.

Python API reference

lsst.ctrl.bps.htcondor Package


condor_history([constraint, schedds]) Get information about completed jobs from HTCondor history.
condor_q([constraint, schedds]) Query HTCondor for current jobs.
condor_search([constraint, hist, schedds]) Search for running and finished jobs satisfying given criteria.
condor_status([constraint, coll]) Get information about HTCondor pool.
htc_backup_files(wms_path[, subdir, limit]) Backup select HTCondor files in the submit directory.
htc_check_dagman_output(wms_path) Check the DAGMan output for error messages.
htc_create_submit_from_cmd(dag_filename[, …]) Create a DAGMan job submit description.
htc_create_submit_from_dag(dag_filename[, …]) Create a DAGMan job submit description.
htc_create_submit_from_file(submit_file) Parse a submission file.
htc_escape(value) Escape characters in given value based upon HTCondor syntax.
htc_submit_dag(sub) Submit job for execution.
htc_version() Return the version given by the HTCondor API.
htc_write_attribs(stream, attrs) Write job attributes in HTCondor format to writeable stream.
htc_write_condor_file(filename, job_name, …) Main function to write an HTCondor submit file.
pegasus_name_to_label(name) Convert pegasus job name to a label for the report.
read_dag_info(wms_path) Read custom DAGMan job information from the file.
read_dag_log(wms_path) Read job information from the DAGMan log file.
read_dag_nodes_log(wms_path) Read job information from the DAGMan nodes log file.
read_dag_status(wms_path) Read the node status file for DAG summary information
read_node_status(wms_path) Read entire node status file.
summary_from_dag(dir_name) Build bps_run_summary string from dag file.
update_job_info(job_info, other_info) Update results of a job query with results from another query.
write_dag_info(filename, dag_info) Writes custom job information about DAGMan job.


DagStatus HTCondor DAGMan’s statuses for a DAG.
HTCDag([data, name]) HTCondor DAG.
HTCJob(name[, label, initcmds, initdagcmds, …]) HTCondor job for use in building DAG.
HTCondorService(config) HTCondor version of WMS service.
HTCondorWorkflow(name[, config]) Single HTCondor workflow.
JobStatus HTCondor’s statuses for jobs.
NodeStatus HTCondor’s statuses for DAGman nodes.
RestrictedDict(valid_keys[, init_data]) A dictionary that only allows certain keys.