
The obs_lsst module defines LSST camera specific configuration.


lsst.obs.lsst is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the obs_lsst component.

Command Line Scripts

Generate a camera.yaml file for a camera by assembling descriptions of rafts, sensors, etc.

Because we have many similar cameras, the assembly uses a :-separated search path of directories to find desired information. The _first_ occurrence of a filename is used.

usage: [-h] [--path PATH] [--verbose] outputFile

positional arguments


Name of generated file


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--path <path>

List of directories to search for components


How chatty should I be?

Rewrite native FITS files from the test stand to a standard format

usage: [-h] [--out_root OUT_ROOT]
                               [--valid_start VALID_START]

positional arguments


Pickle file to read.


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--out_root <out_root>

Root directory to which to write outputs

--valid_start <valid_start>

ISO format date string stating the start of the validity range.

Python API reference

lsst.obs.lsst Package


readRawFitsHeader(fileName[, translator_class]) Read a FITS header from a raw file and fix it up as required.


Latiss(collection_prefix, None] = None) Gen3 Butler specialization for AuxTel LATISS data.
LsstCam(collection_prefix, None] = None) Gen3 Butler specialization for the LSST Main Camera.
LsstCamImSim(collection_prefix, None] = None) Gen3 Butler specialization for ImSim simulations.
LsstCamPhoSim(collection_prefix, None] = None) Gen3 Butler specialization for Phosim simulations.
LsstComCam(collection_prefix, None] = None) Gen3 Butler specialization for ComCam data.
LsstTS3(collection_prefix, None] = None) Gen3 Butler specialization for TS3 test stand data.
LsstTS8(collection_prefix, None] = None) Gen3 Butler specialization for raft test stand data.
LsstUCDCam(collection_prefix, None] = None) Gen3 Butler specialization for UCDCam test stand data.
PhotodiodeIngestConfig Configuration class for PhotodiodeIngestTask.
PhotodiodeIngestTask(butler, instrument[, …]) Task to ingest photodiode data into a butler repository.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.obs.lsst._instrument.Latiss, lsst.obs.lsst._instrument.LsstCam, lsst.obs.lsst._instrument.LsstCamImSim, lsst.obs.lsst._instrument.LsstCamPhoSim, lsst.obs.lsst._instrument.LsstComCam, lsst.obs.lsst._instrument.LsstTS3, lsst.obs.lsst._instrument.LsstTS8, lsst.obs.lsst._instrument.LsstUCDCam, lsst.obs.lsst._ingestPhotodiode.PhotodiodeIngestConfig, lsst.obs.lsst._ingestPhotodiode.PhotodiodeIngestTask

lsst.obs.lsst.testHelper Module


ObsLsstButlerTests([methodName]) Base class shared by all tests of the butler and mapper.
ObsLsstObsBaseOverrides Specialist butler tests for obs_lsst.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.obs.lsst.testHelper.ObsLsstButlerTests, lsst.obs.lsst.testHelper.ObsLsstObsBaseOverrides

lsst.obs.lsst.utils Module


readRawFile(fileName, detector[, dataId]) Read a raw file from fileName, assembling it nicely.

lsst.obs.lsst.translators Package


LatissTranslator(header, Any], filename, …) Metadata translator for LSST LATISS data from AuxTel.
LsstCamImSimTranslator(header, Any], …) Metadata translation class for LSSTCam imSim headers
LsstCamPhoSimTranslator(header, Any], …) Metadata translator for LSSTCam PhoSim data.
LsstCamTranslator(header, Any], filename, …) Metadata translation for the main LSST Camera.
LsstComCamTranslator(header, Any], filename, …) Metadata translation for the LSST Commissioning Camera.
LsstTS3Translator(header, Any], filename, …) Metadata translator for LSST BNL Test Stand 3 data.
LsstTS8Translator(header, Any], filename, …) Metadata translator for LSST Test Stand 8 data.
LsstUCDCamTranslator(header, Any], filename, …) Metadata translator for LSST UC Davis test camera data.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.obs.lsst.translators.latiss.LatissTranslator, lsst.obs.lsst.translators.imsim.LsstCamImSimTranslator, lsst.obs.lsst.translators.phosim.LsstCamPhoSimTranslator, lsst.obs.lsst.translators.lsstCam.LsstCamTranslator, lsst.obs.lsst.translators.comCam.LsstComCamTranslator, lsst.obs.lsst.translators.ts3.LsstTS3Translator, lsst.obs.lsst.translators.ts8.LsstTS8Translator, lsst.obs.lsst.translators.lsst_ucdcam.LsstUCDCamTranslator