
class lsst.afw.math.BackgroundList(*args)

Bases: object

A list-like class to contain a list of (lsst.afw.math.Background, lsst.afw.math.Interpolate.Style, UndersampleStyle) tuples.

*args : tuple or Background

A sequence of arguments, each of which becomes an element of the list. We also accept a single lsst.afw.math.Background and extract the interpStyle and undersampleStyle from the as-used values.

Methods Summary

clone() Return a shallow copy
getImage() Compute and return a full-resolution image from our list of (Background, interpStyle, undersampleStyle).
readFits(fileName[, hdu, flags]) Read our list of Backgrounds from a file.
writeFits(fileName[, flags]) Save our list of Backgrounds to a file.

Methods Documentation


Return a shallow copy

Shallow copies do not share backgrounds that are appended after copying, but do share changes to contained background objects.


Compute and return a full-resolution image from our list of (Background, interpStyle, undersampleStyle).

static readFits(fileName, hdu=0, flags=0)

Read our list of Backgrounds from a file.

fileName : str

FITS file to read

hdu : int

First Header/Data Unit to attempt to read from

flags : int

Flags to control details of reading; currently unused, but present for consistency with lsst.afw.table.BaseCatalog.readFits.

See also

writeFits(fileName, flags=0)

Save our list of Backgrounds to a file.

fileName : str

FITS file to write

flags : int

Flags to control details of writing; currently unused, but present for consistency with lsst.afw.table.BaseCatalog.writeFits.