
class lsst.daf.butler.DatastoreRecordData(records: collections.defaultdict[Union[int, uuid.UUID], collections.defaultdict[str, List[lsst.daf.butler.core.storedFileInfo.StoredDatastoreItemInfo]]] = <factory>)

Bases: object

A struct that represents a tabular data export from a single datastore.

Methods Summary

from_simple(simple, universe, registry) Make an instance of this class from serialized data.
subset(dataset_ids, uuid.UUID]]) Extract a subset of the records that match given dataset IDs.
to_simple(minimal) Make representation of the object for serialization.
update(other) Update contents of this instance with data from another instance.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_simple(simple: SerializedDatastoreRecordData, universe: Optional[DimensionUniverse] = None, registry: Optional[Registry] = None) → DatastoreRecordData

Make an instance of this class from serialized data.

Implements SupportsSimple protocol.

data : dict

Serialized representation returned from to_simple method.

universe : DimensionUniverse, optional

Dimension universe, not used by this method.

registry : Registry, optional

Registry instance, not used by this method.

item_info : StoredDatastoreItemInfo

De-serialized instance of StoredDatastoreItemInfo.

subset(dataset_ids: AbstractSet[Union[int, uuid.UUID]]) → Optional[lsst.daf.butler.core.datastoreRecordData.DatastoreRecordData, None]

Extract a subset of the records that match given dataset IDs.

dataset_ids : set [ DatasetId ]

Dataset IDs to match.

record_data : DatastoreRecordData or None

None is returned if there are no matching refs.


Records in the returned instance are shared with this instance, clients should not update or extend records in the returned instance.

to_simple(minimal: bool = False) → lsst.daf.butler.core.datastoreRecordData.SerializedDatastoreRecordData

Make representation of the object for serialization.

Implements SupportsSimple protocol.

minimal : bool, optional

If True produce minimal representation, not used by this method.

simple : dict

Representation of this instance as a simple dictionary.

update(other: lsst.daf.butler.core.datastoreRecordData.DatastoreRecordData) → None

Update contents of this instance with data from another instance.

other : DatastoreRecordData

Records tho merge into this instance.


Merged instances can not have identical records.