
class lsst.daf.relation.Relation(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: typing.Protocol

An abstract interface for expression trees on tabular data.

See also



This ABC is a typing.Protocol, which means that classes that implement its interface can be recognized as such by static type checkers without actually inheriting from it, and in fact all concrete relation types inherit only from BaseRelation (which provides implementations of many Relation methods, but does not include the complete interface or inherit from Relation itself) instead. This split allows subclasses to implement attributes that are defined as properties here as dataclass attributes instead of true properties, something typing.Protocol explicitly permits and recommends that nevertheless works only if the protocol is not actually inherited from.

In almost all cases, users should use Relation instead of BaseRelation: the only exception is when writing an isinstance check to see if a type is a relation at all, rather than a particular relation subclass. BaseRelation may become an alias to Relation itself in the future if typing.Protocol inheritance interaction with properties is improved.

All concrete Relation types are frozen, equality-comparable dataclasses. They also provide a very concise str representation (in addition to the dataclass-provided repr) suitable for summarizing an entire relation tree.

Attributes Summary

columns The columns in this relation (Set [ ColumnTag ] ).
engine The engine that is responsible for interpreting this relation (Engine).
is_join_identity Whether a join to this relation will result in the other relation being returned directly (bool).
is_locked Whether this relation and those upstream of it should be considered fixed by tree-manipulation algorithms (bool).
is_trivial Whether this relation has no real content (bool).
max_rows The maximum number of rows this relation might have (int or None).
min_rows The minimum number of rows this relation might have (int).
payload The engine-specific contents of the relation.

Methods Summary

attach_payload(payload) Attach an engine-specific payload to this relation.
chain(rhs) Return a new relation with all rows from this relation and another.
join(rhs, predicate, *, backtrack, transfer) Return a new relation that joins this one to the given one.
materialized(name, None] = None, *, name_prefix) Return a new relation that indicates that this relation’s payload should be cached after it is first processed.
sorted(terms, *, preferred_engine, …) Return a new relation that sorts rows according to a sequence of column expressions.
transferred_to(destination) Return a new relation that transfers this relation to a new engine.
with_calculated_column(tag, expression, *, …) Return a new relation that adds a calculated column to this one.
with_only_columns(columns, *, …) Return a new relation whose columns are a subset of this relation’s.
with_rows_satisfying(predicate, *, …) Return a new relation that filters out rows via a boolean expression.
without_duplicates(*, preferred_engine, …) Return a new relation that removes any duplicate rows from this one.

Attributes Documentation


The columns in this relation (Set [ ColumnTag ] ).


The engine that is responsible for interpreting this relation (Engine).


Whether a join to this relation will result in the other relation being returned directly (bool).

Join identity relations have exactly one row and no columns.


Whether this relation and those upstream of it should be considered fixed by tree-manipulation algorithms (bool).


Whether this relation has no real content (bool).

A trivial relation is either a join identity with no columns and exactly one row, or a relation with an arbitrary number of columns and no rows (i.e. min_rows==max_rows==0).


The maximum number of rows this relation might have (int or None).

This is None for relations whose size is not bounded from above.


The minimum number of rows this relation might have (int).


The engine-specific contents of the relation.

This is None in the common case that engine-specific contents are to be computed on-the-fly. Relation payloads permit “deferred initialization” - while relation objects are otherwise immutable, the payload may be set (once) after construction, via attach_payload.

Methods Documentation

attach_payload(payload: Any) → None

Attach an engine-specific payload to this relation.

This method may be called exactly once on a Relation instance that was not initialized with a payload, despite the fact that Relation objects are otherwise considered immutable.


Engine-specific content to attach.


Raised if this relation already has a payload, or can never have a payload. TypeError is used here for consistency with other attempts to assign to an attribute of an immutable object.

chain(rhs: lsst.daf.relation._relation.Relation) → lsst.daf.relation._relation.Relation

Return a new relation with all rows from this relation and another.

This is a convenience method that constructs and applies a Chain operation.

rhs : Relation

Other relation to chain to self. Must have the same columns and engine as self.

relation : Relation

New relation with all rows from both relations. If the engine preserves order for chains, all rows from self will appear before all rows from rhs, in their original order. This method never returns an operand directly, even if the other has max_rows==0, as it is assumed that even relations with no rows are useful to preserve in the tree for diagnostics.


Raised if the two relations do not have the same columns.


Raised if the two relations do not have the same engine.


Raised if self or rhs is unnecessarily ordered; see expect_unordered.

join(rhs: Relation, predicate: Predicate | None = None, *, backtrack: bool = True, transfer: bool = False) → Relation

Return a new relation that joins this one to the given one.

This is a convenience method that constructs and applies a Join operation, via PartialJoin.apply.

rhs : Relation

Relation to join to self.

predicate : Predicate, optional

Boolean expression that must evaluate to true in order to join a a pair of rows, in addition to an implicit equality constraint on any columns in both relations.

backtrack : bool, optional

If True (default) and self.engine != rhs.engine, attempt to insert this join before a transfer upstream of self, as long as this can be done without breaking up any locked relations or changing the resulting relation content.

transfer : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and self.engine != rhs.engine, insert a new Transfer before the Join. If backtrack is also true, the transfer is added only if the backtrack attempt fails.

relation : Relation

New relation that joins self to rhs. May be self or rhs if the other is a join identity.


Raised if the given predicate requires columns not present in self or rhs.


Raised if it was impossible to insert this operation in rhs.engine via backtracks or transfers on self, or if the predicate was not supported by the engine.


Raised if self or rhs is unnecessarily ordered; see expect_unordered.


This method does not treat self and rhs symmetrically: it always considers rhs fixed, and only backtracks into or considers applying transfers to self.

materialized(name: Optional[str, None] = None, *, name_prefix: str = 'materialization') → lsst.daf.relation._relation.Relation

Return a new relation that indicates that this relation’s payload should be cached after it is first processed.

This is a convenience method that constructs and applies a Materialization operation.

name : str, optional

Name to use for the cached payload within the engine (e.g. the name for a temporary table in SQL). If not provided, a name will be created via a call to Engine.get_relation_name.

name_prefix : str, optional

Prefix to pass to Engine.get_relation_name; ignored if name is provided. Unlike most operations, Materialization relations are locked by default, since they reflect user intent to mark a specific tree as cacheable.

relation : Relation

New relation that marks its upstream tree for caching. May be self if it is already a LeafRelation or another materialization (in which case the given name or name prefix will be ignored).

sorted(terms: Sequence[SortTerm], *, preferred_engine: Engine | None = None, backtrack: bool = True, transfer: bool = False, require_preferred_engine: bool = False) → Relation

Return a new relation that sorts rows according to a sequence of column expressions.

This is a convenience method that constructs and applies a Sort operation.

terms : Sequence [ SortTerm ]

Ordered sequence of column expressions to sort on, with whether to apply them in ascending or descending order.

preferred_engine : Engine, optional

Engine that the operation would ideally be performed in. If this is not equal to self.engine, the backtrack, transfer, and require_preferred_engine arguments control the behavior.

backtrack : bool, optional

If True (default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, attempt to insert this sort before a transfer upstream of the current relation, as long as this can be done without breaking up any locked relations or changing the resulting relation content.

transfer : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, insert a new Transfer before the Sort. If backtrack is also true, the transfer is added only if the backtrack attempt fails.

require_preferred_engine : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, raise EngineError. If backtrack is also true, the exception is only raised if the backtrack attempt fails. Ignored if transfer is true.

relation : Relation

New relation with sorted rows. Will be self if terms is empty. If self is already a sort operation relation, the operations will be merged by concatenating their terms, which may result in duplicate sort terms that have no effect.


Raised if any column required by a SortTerm is not present in self.columns.


Raised if require_preferred_engine=True and it was impossible to insert this operation in the preferred engine, or if a SortTerm expression was not supported by the engine.

transferred_to(destination: Engine) → Relation

Return a new relation that transfers this relation to a new engine.

This is a convenience method that constructs and applies a Transfer operation.

destination : Engine

Engine for the new relation.

relation : Relation

New relation in the given engine. Will be self if self.engine == destination.

with_calculated_column(tag: ColumnTag, expression: ColumnExpression, *, preferred_engine: Engine | None = None, backtrack: bool = True, transfer: bool = False, require_preferred_engine: bool = False) → Relation

Return a new relation that adds a calculated column to this one.

This is a convenience method chat constructs and applies a Calculation operation.

tag : ColumnTag

Identifier for the new column.

expression : ColumnExpression

Expression used to populate the new column.

preferred_engine : Engine, optional

Engine that the operation would ideally be performed in. If this is not equal to self.engine, the backtrack, transfer, and require_preferred_engine arguments control the behavior.

backtrack : bool, optional

If True (default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, attempt to insert this calculation before a transfer upstream of the current relation, as long as this can be done without breaking up any locked relations or changing the resulting relation content.

transfer : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, insert a new Transfer before the Calculation. If backtrack is also true, the transfer is added only if the backtrack attempt fails.

require_preferred_engine : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, raise EngineError. If backtrack is also true, the exception is only raised if the backtrack attempt fails. Ignored if transfer is true.

relation : Relation

Relation that contains the calculated column.


Raised if the expression requires columns that are not present in self.columns, or if tag is already present in self.columns.


Raised if require_preferred_engine=True and it was impossible to insert this operation in the preferred engine, or if the expression was not supported by the engine.

with_only_columns(columns: Set[ColumnTag], *, preferred_engine: Engine | None = None, backtrack: bool = True, transfer: bool = False, require_preferred_engine: bool = False) → Relation

Return a new relation whose columns are a subset of this relation’s.

This is a convenience method that constructs and applies a Projection operation.

columns : Set [ ColumnTag ]

Columns to be propagated to the new relation; must be a subset of self.columns.

preferred_engine : Engine, optional

Engine that the operation would ideally be performed in. If this is not equal to self.engine, the backtrack, transfer, and require_preferred_engine arguments control the behavior.

backtrack : bool, optional

If True (default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, attempt to insert this projection before a transfer upstream of the current relation, as long as this can be done without breaking up any locked relations or changing the resulting relation content.

transfer : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, insert a new Transfer before the Projection. If backtrack is also true, the transfer is added only if the backtrack attempt fails.

require_preferred_engine : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, raise EngineError. If backtrack is also true, the exception is only raised if the backtrack attempt fails. Ignored if transfer is true.

relation : Relation

New relation with only the given columns. Will be self if columns == self.columns.


Raised if columns is not a subset of self.columns.


Raised if require_preferred_engine=True and it was impossible to insert this operation in the preferred engine.

with_rows_satisfying(predicate: Predicate, *, preferred_engine: Engine | None = None, backtrack: bool = True, transfer: bool = False, require_preferred_engine: bool = False) → Relation

Return a new relation that filters out rows via a boolean expression.

This is a convenience method that constructions and applies a Selection operation.

predicate : Predicate

Boolean expression that evaluates to False for rows that should be included and False for rows that should be filtered out.

preferred_engine : Engine, optional

Engine that the operation would ideally be performed in. If this is not equal to self.engine, the backtrack, transfer, and require_preferred_engine arguments control the behavior.

backtrack : bool, optional

If True (default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, attempt to insert this selection before a transfer upstream of the current relation, as long as this can be done without breaking up any locked relations or changing the resulting relation content.

transfer : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, insert a new Transfer before the Selection. If backtrack is also true, the transfer is added only if the backtrack attempt fails.

require_preferred_engine : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, raise EngineError. If backtrack is also true, the exception is only raised if the backtrack attempt fails. Ignored if transfer is true.

relation : Relation

New relation with only the rows that satisfy the given predicate. May be self if the predicate is trivially True.


Raised if predicate.columns_required is not a subset of self.columns.


Raised if require_preferred_engine=True and it was impossible to insert this operation in the preferred engine, or if the expression was not supported by the engine.

without_duplicates(*, preferred_engine: Engine | None = None, backtrack: bool = True, transfer: bool = False, require_preferred_engine: bool = False) → Relation

Return a new relation that removes any duplicate rows from this one.

This is a convenience method that constructs and applies a Deduplication operation.

preferred_engine : Engine, optional

Engine that the operation would ideally be performed in. If this is not equal to self.engine, the backtrack, transfer, and require_preferred_engine arguments control the behavior.

backtrack : bool, optional

If True (default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, attempt to insert this deduplication before a transfer upstream of the current relation, as long as this can be done without breaking up any locked relations or changing the resulting relation content.

transfer : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, insert a new Transfer before the Deduplication. If backtrack is also true, the transfer is added only if the backtrack attempt fails.

require_preferred_engine : bool, optional

If True (False is default) and the current engine is not the preferred engine, raise EngineError. If backtrack is also true, the exception is only raised if the backtrack attempt fails. Ignored if transfer is true.

relation : Relation

Relation with no duplicate rows. This may be self if it can be determined that there is no duplication already, but this is not guaranteed.


Raised if require_preferred_engine=True and it was impossible to insert this operation in the preferred engine.