
class lsst.dax.apdb.ApdbTables

Bases: enum.Enum

Names of the tables in APDB schema.

Attributes Summary

DiaForcedSource Name of the table for DIAForcedSource records.
DiaObject Name of the table for DIAObject records.
DiaObjectLast Name of the table for the last version of DIAObject records.
DiaObject_To_Object_Match Name of the table for DiaObject_To_Object_Match records.
DiaSource Name of the table for DIASource records.
SSObject Name of the table for SSObject records.

Attributes Documentation

DiaForcedSource = 'DiaForcedSource'

Name of the table for DIAForcedSource records.

DiaObject = 'DiaObject'

Name of the table for DIAObject records.

DiaObjectLast = 'DiaObjectLast'

Name of the table for the last version of DIAObject records.

This table may be optional for some implementations.

DiaObject_To_Object_Match = 'DiaObject_To_Object_Match'

Name of the table for DiaObject_To_Object_Match records.

DiaSource = 'DiaSource'

Name of the table for DIASource records.

SSObject = 'SSObject'

Name of the table for SSObject records.