
lsst.meas.deblender.baseline.newDeblend(debPlugins, footprint, mMaskedImage, psfs, psfFwhms, log=None, verbose=False, avgNoise=None, maxNumberOfPeaks=0)

Deblend a parent Footprint in a MaskedImageF.

Deblending assumes that footprint has multiple peaks, as it will still create a PerFootprint object with a list of peaks even if there is only one peak in the list. It is recommended to first check that footprint has more than one peak, similar to the execution of lsst.meas.deblender.deblend.SourceDeblendTask.

This version of the deblender accepts a list of plugins to execute, with the option to re-run parts of the deblender if templates are changed during any of the steps.

debPlugins: list of `meas.deblender.plugins.DeblenderPlugins`

Plugins to execute (in order of execution) for the deblender.

footprint: `afw.detection.Footprint` or list of Footprints

Parent footprint to deblend.

mMaskedImage: `MultibandMaskedImage` or `MaskedImage`

Masked image in each band.

psfs: `afw.detection.Psf` or list of Psfs

Psf of the maskedImage.

psfFwhms: `float` or list of floats

FWHM of the maskedImage’s psf.

log: `log.Log`, optional

LSST logger for logging purposes. The default is None (no logging).

verbose: `bool`, optional

Whether or not to show a more verbose output. The default is False.

avgNoise: `float`or list of `float`s, optional

Average noise level in each maskedImage. The default is None, which estimates the noise from the median value of the variance plane of maskedImage for each filter.

maxNumberOfPeaks: `int`, optional

If nonzero, the maximum number of peaks to deblend. If the total number of peaks is greater than maxNumberOfPeaks, then only the first maxNumberOfPeaks sources are deblended.

debResult: DeblendedParent

Deblender result that contains a list of MultiColorPeaks for each peak and information that describes the footprint in all filters.