
class lsst.meas.extensions.trailedSources.SingleFrameNaiveTrailPlugin(config, name, schema, metadata, logName=None)

Bases: lsst.meas.base.SingleFramePlugin

Naive trailed source measurement plugin

Measures the length, angle from +x-axis, and end points of an extended source using the second moments.

config: `SingleFrameNaiveTrailConfig`

Plugin configuration.

name: `str`

Plugin name.

schema: `lsst.afw.table.Schema`

Schema for the output catalog.

metadata: `lsst.daf.base.PropertySet`

Metadata to be attached to output catalog.


This measurement plugin aims to utilize the already measured adaptive second moments to naively estimate the length and angle, and thus end-points, of a fast-moving, trailed source. The length is solved for via finding the root of the difference between the numerical (stack computed) and the analytic adaptive second moments. The angle, theta, from the x-axis is also computed via adaptive moments: theta = arctan(2*Ixy/(Ixx - Iyy))/2. The end points of the trail are then given by (xc +/- (length/2)*cos(theta) and yc +/- (length/2)*sin(theta)), with xc and yc being the centroid coordinates.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

computeLength(Ixx, Iyy) Compute the length of a trail, given unweighted second-moments.
computeRaDec(exposure, x, y) Convert pixel coordinates to RA and Dec.
fail(measRecord[, error]) Record failure
findLength(Ixx, Iyy) Find the length of a trail, given adaptive second-moments.
getExecutionOrder() Get the relative execution order of this plugin.
getTransformClass() Get the measurement transformation appropriate to this plugin.
measure(measRecord, exposure) Run the Naive trailed source measurement algorithm.
measureN(measCat, exposure) Measure the properties of blended sources on a single image.

Attributes Documentation

registry = <lsst.meas.base.pluginRegistry.PluginRegistry object>

Methods Documentation

static computeLength(Ixx, Iyy)

Compute the length of a trail, given unweighted second-moments.

static computeRaDec(exposure, x, y)

Convert pixel coordinates to RA and Dec.

exposure : lsst.afw.image.ExposureF

Exposure object containing the WCS.

x : float

x coordinate of the trail centroid

y : float

y coodinate of the trail centroid

ra : float

Right ascension.

dec : float


fail(measRecord, error=None)

Record failure

classmethod findLength(Ixx, Iyy)

Find the length of a trail, given adaptive second-moments.

Uses a root finder to compute the length of a trail corresponding to the adaptive second-moments computed by previous measurements (ie. SdssShape).

Ixx : float

Adaptive second-moment along x-axis.

Iyy : float

Adaptive second-moment along y-axis.

length : float

Length of the trail.

results : scipy.optimize.RootResults

Contains messages about convergence from the root finder.

classmethod getExecutionOrder()

Get the relative execution order of this plugin.

Must be reimplemented as a class method by concrete derived classes.

static getTransformClass()

Get the measurement transformation appropriate to this plugin.

This returns a subclass of transforms.MeasurementTransform, which may be instantiated with details of the algorithm configuration and then called with information about calibration and WCS to convert from raw measurement quantities to calibrated units. Calibrated data is then provided in a separate output table.


By default, we copy everything from the input to the output without transformation.

measure(measRecord, exposure)

Run the Naive trailed source measurement algorithm.

measRecord : lsst.afw.table.SourceRecord

Record describing the object being measured.

exposure : lsst.afw.image.Exposure

Pixel data to be measured.

measureN(measCat, exposure)

Measure the properties of blended sources on a single image.

This operates on all members of a blend family at once. The image may be from a single epoch, or it may be a coadd.

measCat : lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog

Catalog describing the objects (and only those objects) being measured. Previously-measured quantities will be retrieved from here, and it will be updated in-place with the outputs of this plugin.

exposure : lsst.afw.image.ExposureF

The pixel data to be measured, together with the associated PSF, WCS, etc. All other sources in the image should have been replaced by noise according to deblender outputs.


Derived classes that do not implement measureN should just inherit this disabled version. Derived classes that do implement measureN should additionally add a bool doMeasureN config field to their config class to signal that measureN-mode is available.