
class lsst.pipe.base.TaskFactory

Bases: object

Abstract base class for task factory.

Task factory is responsible for creating instances of PipelineTask subclasses.

Methods Summary

makeTask(taskDef, butler, initInputRefs) Create new PipelineTask instance from its TaskDef.

Methods Documentation

makeTask(taskDef: TaskDef, butler: LimitedButler, initInputRefs: Iterable[DatasetRef] | None) → PipelineTask

Create new PipelineTask instance from its TaskDef.

taskDef : TaskDef

Task definition structure.

butler : lsst.daf.butler.LimitedButler

Butler instance used to obtain initialization inputs for task.

initInputRefs : Iterable of DatasetRef or None

List of resolved dataset references for init inputs for this task.

task : PipelineTask

Instance of a PipelineTask class.

Any exceptions that are raised by PipelineTask constructor or its
configuration class are propagated back to caller.