
lsst.pipe.base.testUtils.runTestQuantum(task: PipelineTask, butler: Butler, quantum: Quantum, mockRun: bool = True) → Optional[unittest.mock.Mock]

Run a PipelineTask on a Quantum.

task : lsst.pipe.base.PipelineTask

The task to run on the quantum.

butler : lsst.daf.butler.Butler

The collection to run on.

quantum : lsst.daf.butler.Quantum

The quantum to run.

mockRun : bool

Whether or not to replace task’s run method. The default of True is recommended unless run needs to do real work (e.g., because the test needs real output datasets).

run : unittest.mock.Mock or None

If mockRun is set, the mock that replaced run. This object can be queried for the arguments runQuantum passed to run.