.. _panda-plugin-overview: Overview -------- LSST Batch Processing Service (BPS) allow large-scale workflows to execute in well-managed fashion, potentially in multiple environments. The service is provided by `ctrl_bps`_ package. ``ctrl_bps_panda`` is a plugin allowing `ctrl_bps`_ to execute workflows on computational resources managed by `PanDA`_. .. note:: Documentation describing how to submit workflows for execution using PanDA deployment in Interim Data Facility (*aka* Google cloud) can can be found at https://panda.lsst.io. .. _panda-plugin-wmsclass: Specifying the plugin --------------------- The class providing `PanDA`_ support for `ctrl_bps`_ is :: lsst.ctrl.bps.htcondor.PanDAService Inform `ctrl_bps`_ about its location using one of the methods described in its `documentation`__. .. __: https://pipelines.lsst.io/v/weekly/modules/lsst.ctrl.bps/index.html .. _htc-plugin-defining-submission: .. _panda-plugin-defining-submission: Defining a submission --------------------- BPS configuration files are YAML files with some reserved keywords and some special features. See `BPS configuration file`__ for details. .. Describe any plugin specific ascpects of a definiing a submissinon below if any. The memory autoscaling is *not* supported supported by the ``ctrl_bps_panda``, i.e., configuration settings like: * ``requestMemoryMax``, * ``executeMachinesPattern``, * ``memoryMultiplier``, * ``memoryLimit``, will have not effect on workflows submitted with this plugin. .. _panda-plugin-authenticating: Authenticating -------------- .. Describe any plugin specific ascpects of a authentication below if any. See https://panda.lsst.io for details. .. _panda-plugin-submitting: Submitting a run ---------------- See `bps submit`_ and https://panda.lsst.io for details. .. Describe any plugin specific ascpects of a submissinon below if any. .. __: https://pipelines.lsst.io/v/weekly/modules/lsst.ctrl.bps/quickstart.html#submitting-a-run .. _panda-plugin-status: Checking status --------------- `bps report`_ is *not* supported, use the WMS commands/tools directly. .. Describe any plugin specific ascpects of a checking submission status below if any. .. _panda-plugin-cancelling: Canceling submitted jobs ------------------------ `bps cancel`_ is *not* supported, use the WMS commands/tools directly. .. Describe any plugin specific ascpects of a canceling submitted jobs below if any. .. _panda-plugin-restarting: Restarting a failed run ----------------------- `bps restart`_ is *not* supported, use the WMS commands/tools directly. .. Describe any plugin specific ascpects of restarting a failed jobs below if any. .. .. _panda-plugin-troubleshooting: .. Troubleshooting .. --------------- .. _PanDA: https://panda-wms.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _bps cancel: https://pipelines.lsst.io/v/weekly/modules/lsst.ctrl.bps/quickstart.html#canceling-submitted-jobs .. _bps report: https://pipelines.lsst.io/v/weekly/modules/lsst.ctrl.bps/quickstart.html#checking-status .. _bps restart: https://pipelines.lsst.io/v/weekly/modules/lsst.ctrl.bps/quickstart.html#restarting-a-failed-run .. _bps submit: https://pipelines.lsst.io/v/weekly/modules/lsst.ctrl.bps/quickstart.html#submitting-a-run .. _ctrl_bps: https://github.com/lsst/ctrl_bps.git