
The lsst.fgcmcal module runs the Forward Global Calibration Method (FGCM) to perform global photometric survey calibration for the Rubin Observatory LSST. Please see Burke, Rykoff, et al. 2018 for the paper describing the method. This lsst.fgcmcal package wraps the third-party package fgcm.

Using lsst.fgcmcal

Please see the cookbook for a runthrough on how to use lsst.fgcmcal.

There are four tasks to be run in a typical global fgcmcal processing chain. They are:

  1. Make a look-up table: FgcmMakeLutTask
  2. Build the star lists: FgcmBuildStarsTableTask (if sourceTable_visit parquet tables are available) or tasks/lsst.fgcmcal.fgcmBuildStars.FgcmBuildStarsTask
  3. Run the fitter: FgcmFitCycleTask
  4. Output the final products: FgcmOutputProductsTask

Alternatively, fgcmcal can be run on a single tract (with multi-band coverage), although the results will not be as robust as a full global calibration. This can be run with FgcmCalibrateTractTableTask or tasks/lsst.fgcmcal.fgcmCalibrateTract.FgcmCalibrateTractTask, which will run all of the tasks above except for the making of the look-up table.


lsst.fgcmcal is developed at You can find Jira issues for this module under the fgcmcal component.

Pipeline tasks

Build stars for the FGCM global calibration, using sourceTable_visit catalogs.
Calibrate a single tract using fgcmcal, using sourceTable_visit (parquet) input catalogs.
Run Single fit cycle for FGCM global calibration
Make Look-Up Table for FGCM.
Output products from FGCM global calibration.


Config for FgcmCalibrateTractTable task
Config for FgcmFitCycle
Config for FgcmLoadReferenceCatalogTask
Config for FgcmMakeLutTask
Config for FgcmOutputProductsTask
SED boundary term for a pair of bands.
A mapping of Sedboundaryterm name to Sedterm.
SED term for a single band.
A mapping of bands to Sedterms.

Python API reference

lsst.fgcmcal Package


FgcmBuildStarsBaseTask([initInputs]) Base task to build stars for FGCM global calibration
FgcmBuildStarsConfigBase Base config for FgcmBuildStars tasks
FgcmBuildStarsTableConfig Config for FgcmBuildStarsTableTask
FgcmBuildStarsTableTask([initInputs]) Build stars for the FGCM global calibration, using sourceTable_visit catalogs.
FgcmCalibrateTractBaseTask([initInputs]) Base class to calibrate a single tract using fgcmcal
FgcmCalibrateTractConfigBase Config for FgcmCalibrateTract
FgcmCalibrateTractTableConfig Config for FgcmCalibrateTractTable task
FgcmCalibrateTractTableTask([initInputs]) Calibrate a single tract using fgcmcal, using sourceTable_visit (parquet) input catalogs.
FgcmFitCycleConfig Config for FgcmFitCycle
FgcmFitCycleTask([initInputs]) Run Single fit cycle for FGCM global calibration
FgcmLoadReferenceCatalogConfig Config for FgcmLoadReferenceCatalogTask
FgcmLoadReferenceCatalogTask([refObjLoader, …]) Load multi-band reference objects from a reference catalog.
FgcmMakeLutConfig Config for FgcmMakeLutTask
FgcmMakeLutParametersConfig Config for parameters if atmosphereTableName not available
FgcmMakeLutTask([butler, initInputs]) Make Look-Up Table for FGCM.
FgcmOutputProductsConfig Config for FgcmOutputProductsTask
FgcmOutputProductsTask(**kwargs) Output products from FGCM global calibration.
FocalPlaneProjector(camera, defaultOrientation) Class to project the focal plane onto the sky.
Sedboundaryterm SED boundary term for a pair of bands.
SedboundarytermDict A mapping of Sedboundaryterm name to Sedterm.
Sedterm SED term for a single band.
SedtermDict A mapping of bands to Sedterms.