
lsst.afw.cameraGeom.utils.makeImageFromAmp(amp, imValue=None, imageFactory=<class 'lsst.afw.image.image.ImageU'>, markSize=10, markValue=0, scaleGain=<function <lambda>>)

Make an image from an amp object.

Since images are integer images by default, the gain needs to be scaled to give enough dynamic range to see variation from amp to amp. The scaling algorithm is assignable.

amp : lsst.afw.table.AmpInfoRecord

Amp record to use for constructing the raw amp image.

imValue : float or None

Value to assign to the constructed image, or scaleGain(gain) if None.

imageFactory : callable like lsst.afw.image.Image

Type of image to construct.

markSize : float

Size of mark at read corner in pixels.

markValue : float

Value of pixels in the read corner mark.

scaleGain : callable

The function by which to scale the gain (must take a single argument).

ampImage : lsst.afw.image

An untrimmed amp image, of the type produced by imageFactory.